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Everything posted by yosis

  1. I Lived in South korea for about 3years. did anyone do training thier training in korea???
  2. Taekwondo originated during fuedal times during the koreans verison of the three kingdoms and Shilla kingdom overcame the other two kingdoms. that was the first form of korean tae kwon do. it didn't really change that much until the monguls invaded china and then korea. I can't remember the general that changed tkd in the 50's but that was what you are learning today.
  3. It took me 14 years to get my black belt. because my teacher didn't belive in giving a black belt out at the age of 10 or 11. which i could understand from his point .you may be ready to test but your mind isn't was his saying.
  4. What's going on. My name Yosis. I've been doing martial arts since 1985. I've studied judo kempo karate shootfighting thai boxing and kendo. I'm a SGT in the US Army. I lived in south korea for 3yrs . In korea i was the hand-to-hand combat teacher for years. i did alot of martial arts training while i was in asia to see if i could stand the training and to see if it was the same in the us. Now i'm a recuiter for the Maryland Army National Guard.I teach kendo and karate part-time .
  5. in some way people have thought about death young and old at some time of thier life. i'm more worried the way i would die, than death itself. i would rather die with honor in something i belive in than to die to lower gas prices at the pump
  6. I lived in Korea for three years. TKD here and TKD there are not the same. Here (US) it's water downed to do point where it's a bunch of flash kicks and no punches from what I've seen. And could be the same with Karate. But the good thing about Karate in can change quickly into a fight from standing to ground fighting in seconds. i would put my money on the Karate guy. But then again I'M a Solider for Uncle Sam
  7. There's been only a few times where i had to use my skills. But forgot I'm a solider for uncle sam.
  8. L ennox Lewis isn't was he used to be. Other than Klitchko, he hasn't fought a real fight since Holyfield . Tyson did win the gold in Seoul but now he's washed-up pennyless fighter.But he can still draw in the money. But i would say Jack Demsey. He's the first prizefighter to win 1 million dollar purse.
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