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plainwhitets's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. anyone know the difference between shorei-ryu and goju shorei?
  2. miguksaram, your profile says you study shorei-ryu, can you tell me about that style of karate?
  3. can you tell be about shorei-ryu, i don't know much about it
  4. I have a couple questions about forms/kata competitions. how long would it take to train for a novice division competition if you are willing to work at it like 6 days a week? also, what styles of MA are better suited for forms/kata competitions? 'thanks
  5. well i've looked online at videos of katas, and some have been very slow, like a strike, block, kick, but it's like slow, and then i've seen some footage where it's like "rapid fire" menuvers. so i don't know if that's because of the style of martial art, that the kata was performed so fast, or katas can be performed at the speed of the individual
  6. is sport karate it's own genre of martial arts, or are there styles of martial arts that are considered "sport"
  7. Are their certain styles of martial arts that have "fast pace" katas/forms?
  8. so I guess it's safe to assume that XMA is more of performance/presentation/looking cool martial arts. Showy... Flashy... "ooo"s and "ah"s style where martial arts meets the gymnastics team. interesting
  9. does anyone know of any shorei-ryu schools and/or instructors in connecticut?
  10. Does anyone study shaolin-kung fu? if so, what's it like?
  11. can anyone who studies goju-ryu tell me a little bit about it. Like I've read that it incorporates basically everthing, kicks, strikes, hard/soft, linear/circular movements, is this true?
  12. I was wondering, is shorin-ryu and shorei-ryu the same thing?
  13. I'm a super noob and dork. I know. But, what makes a strike "hard" or "soft"?
  14. I've been researching various styles of karate online and they all discuss linear and circular movemnts, what does that mean? Obviously linear would mean like a direct line and circular, in a circle... but I still don't get the connection to karate... sort of (I hate to sound like such a dork for asking)
  15. Does anyone know anything about xtreme martial arts, XMA? Is it new, or still in the process of becoming popular, and what does it involve, kicks, strikes, weapons, acrobatics, etc? Does anyone train in it already?
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