Looking at page 1 in the replies, I agree that setting a good example is important. I must say, it is hard to tell a kid "Do as I say, not as I do". On the other hand, I must say that it would be a good idea for insturctors, whether they smoke or not, to encourage younger students not to do it. Lets not preach about it one way or the other in class, except to suggest that a non smoker tends to be healthier than a smoker and so on. Adult students are a different matter. If they smoke, that is their business and none of mine. I have one hard and fast rule about smokers. no one but no one smokes in my dojo. I myself have smoked in the past and I included myself in that rule. My instructor smokes and he does not do so in my dojo. He actually helps me maintain that rule. Also no teacher under my auspices nor I have ever and never will in the future, smoke during class or take time out of a class to step out for a smoke. I have been down the nicotine road and I know that it is difficult to quit. Those things are designed for the purpose of addicting you. Its' obviously best to quit but if you can't or wont for whatever reason, then as a teacher, you should have at least enough restraint to wait until your class is over. When I was a regular smoker, I did it well after class and after my duties in the dojo were done. That also enabled me to cut down and eventually quit. If I was busy with students, I did not have time to take a smoke break and therfore, I needed the nicotine less and less. But thats me. I wis to say one more thing. I do not by any means sit upon a high horse as I write this stuff. If you are a regular smoker, I know it is a struggle not to. I even know that at least some of you are thinking "I really ought to quit this". Then what happens during a quiet moment. Yep, out comes the lighter and that's that. been there, done that. Don't pressure yourself. At least you can say this much. A hard workout will maybe not halt the effects of smoking but you can at least slow them. Do remember though that cigarettes will slow the process of your workouts and you won't get the same results as you would if you did not smoke. i only menathis in good will. Remeber, smokers, I've been there. Non-smokers, never-have, never-willers, please bear with those that have. Its' more difficult than you realize to drop a habit like that one.