Hi Belasko, Recently recieved my Black Belt in Songahm style of TKD, and just switched to a CDK studio. What a rip off I had while in the ATA, but didn't realize what a mcdojo I was in until I had too much invested in it. The CDK people welcomed me with open arms, and also honoured my BB. It will take a lot of training, I figure about 9-10 months, before I have learned all the forms, and other terminolgy, before I officially become a full member, But thats ok. Warning to anyone else in the ATA, or thinking of joining! As far as I am concerened, it is a Cult, and they use a slow form of brainwashing to get your money. I too would have defended the ATA with tooth and nail, and due to some very rotten circumstances with the local school owner, instructer, I saw the light, and will never set foot in that studio again. best of luck, Song ps, gonna have to change that name one of these days!!