I know it is a long shot. I am trying to locate a old friend named Young Moon Lee. He is in his late 30's, involved in TKD, and lived in California. I thought with all the people here that take TKD, someone might know him. Thanks, Mike
I understand what you are saying. I think the fact that you can't punch to the head allows people to keep their hands low. Unfortunatly, it doesn't look good and isn't very practical for street fighting. The better schools teach to cross over. I took boxing before taekwondo and learned to keep my hands high and to throw combinations. I hope that TKD becomes a bigger part in the olympics. Here in the NW, it was only on at 2AM and never talked about on the news.
SOme let you keep your rank and others want you to start over, most likley a money thing. I think the best way is to let the student take a few classes and then decide. I have even seen where people don't wear a belt for a week. I do think you should always retain your black belt unless you just don't train and forgot everything.