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Everything posted by lyrikalgeenus

  1. Lightweight- Looks nice but rips constantly Middleweight- best im my opinion... good support, looks nice, breaths well Heavyweight- Great for class due to its snap...I personally hate it for competition due to it constricting my legs.....
  2. I dont see how a suspension would do anything..if he's trying to impress sombody or seem tough I would just put him in his place...a hard sidekick (not destructive) would teach the student that if your wiling to hurt be willing to be hurt back...thats how I was taught
  3. Im totally for flashy techniques....I just hate when I see martial artists go around and try to tell people that if they mess with them he'll do his tornado kick and kill him, it just has no purpose....
  4. A good idea would be a contract that the students sign that would explain that testing is a privilage and is earned by work not $, this could possibly cut back on complaints and screen out un-willing students..
  5. More and more you see a martial artist using the craziest strikes in their kata...flash kicks, scorpian kicks, etc...I just want to see what peoples opinions are on these techniques....are they ok as long as they are not smatterd into a kata just for the wow factor or should the gymnastic strikes be left out for more traditional strikes...opinions?
  6. By "flashy" I didnt mean a technique that would be sloppily added to a kata, I meant a technique that would serve to wow the crowd with its degree of difficulty, but would also serve as a meaningful technique in my form....thanks for the advise!
  7. If you have a local Pizza Hut contact them because they have a great program which your dojo(s) earn 20% of the night's funds...
  8. Not be rude or anything dude...I would just like to know why a dojo that is on the tournament scene would be a bad thing...i'm at tournaments just about twice a month and what I have learned from them is incredible..dont down them until you have expirenced them first hand....no pun intended
  9. Bo is your best choice, not only is it a great beginning wepon, it gets your mind thinking about blocks, strikes, etc.
  10. I have been creating a new tonfa kata for competion (hopfully be done for Sidekick International) which im trying to make the tonfa not only a blocking aid but somthing that can marvel a crowd with eye catching strikes...Although the previous katas have been succesfull in tradional, but I need somthing flashy for open. Any suggestions or help on on strikes or sets would be appreciated!
  11. A little late..but I was there and had a great time...how'd u do?..if you even went?
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