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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kwanmukan Karate.
  • Location
    Ohio. Usa.
  • Interests
    Karate. Basketball. Writing. Drawing. Anime.
  • Occupation

XxpengwynxX's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Tekke Shodan and Sienchin. (I'm pretty sure I spelled both of those wrong.)
  2. Some dojos have rules against wearing black gi's unless your a black belt. Because if that wasn't the case, I would have gotten a black one when I started. And welcome to the board.
  3. My favorites are Seinchin, and Bassai-dai. And my second favorite is the second effort of kwan kong chun kwan. (I'm 100% that that's spelled wrong.) But that kata is strictly a Kwanmukan kata.
  4. Kiba-dachi. It's the most normal for me. Considering the game of basketball is baiscally played in kiba, and I am a basketball player, it's what I'm use to.
  5. You take Martial Arts. Is the only thing you want to do is fight? And if no, why not?No. Because I have nothing worth fighting over. I was refering to the people in my school who get into these huge fights over the littlest things.
  6. Do you happen to have one of the kata sienchin?
  7. Hehe. That no shoes part is true. I own like a million pairs of shoes, and don't wear any of them if I don't have to.
  8. Yea. Good luck trying to get that message across to the kids I go to school with. It's not gonna happen. Again, I can't speak for everyone. But I have my ideas about things, and it would be near impossible to change my mind about them. Same as for other teenagers. We're stubborn. It's in our nature. If kids think all that MA is, is about fighting. That's what they're going to keep on thinking, even once they learn it. I just think it would be a bad idea. If all certain people want to do is fight. I wouldn't like them to be able to fight good.
  9. There are some Shotokan Kata videos here: http://www.unh.edu/shotokan/kata.html
  10. Alright. I can't speak for all public school systems, but I can speak for my high school. And I think it would be a horrible idea. We have so many fights in are school as it is. And I'm thinkin' these kids wouldn't use the idea of MA to stay out of fights, they would use it as a way to train how to hurt their opponent even more. Espically when the fights start over nothing. Like last year, a fight broke out in the middle of the commons during lunch when some kid threw a chicken finger at some one else. And I personally would not like to have seen the fight if they both knew how to break some one's wrist, 5 different ways.
  11. I'm not sure what you call it. It's one of those really long buildings, where it's divided up into a bunch of different stores... But it's moving to it's own building. Gonna be twice the size it is now. XD
  12. Hehe. I vote pink. XD But yea, in reality, I would like black pants and white gi top, with the black on teh edges. I was at a compitition once, and there was this girl there who had a bright purple and yellow gi. It was awesome. XD
  13. Hm. My most memorable moment for a tourney. Was my very first tournement. It was a small inter-dojo tourney. I was an orange belt, and I was sparring a blue belt. And we both did a jump kick, at the exact same time. (This is where all serious-ness in the match just died.) We clashed legs and we both fell down, and 2 of my teachers were there and they were watching, since it was a small tourney only 2 matches were going on at the same time, and they both started laughing, and then me and the girl I was fighting started laughing....yea...it was pretty bad.
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