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luke_f34's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Holy Crap!!!! that is a lot of belts. In my school there is only 6 ranks. Excluding the 3 difference brown belt kyu's
  2. I know Iam not getting ripped off. I have two classes a week. My Sensei is Leo kosloski. He is a 9th degree black and the founder of the US Cristian Academy of the Martial Arts and Hon-Shin-Do. he has used all the stuff he teaches he has used. he used to be a bouncer, bodygaurd, ect. AND its all free. Yes I said free
  3. I am not saying a 13 year old can't be a good martial artist. In my style there is a lot more to being a black belt than just knowing all the techniques and kata. There is a spiritual side and a lifestyle that comes along with karate too and I think that 13 is just to young to understand that. (I am not insulting young students. I'am 14 so I am aware that yound students can woop an adult student's butt) I am probably wrong about all of this so no one get pissed at me
  4. thanks yall I needed someone to tell me that
  5. hold up. a 13 year old black belt. whats wrong with that picture unless they are some kind of freak that learn uber quickly I really doubt they could have earned that high of a rank
  6. i've been working on my spinning hook kick... and my back kick (i'm about to get my green belt but I still can't get any power on it) any tips?
  7. no. wear your gi top during the summer. it will be very hot, but if you can stand it it will make mentally tougher
  8. yeah. now I get it. my karate intructor is a 9th degree black belt. he has a gut but the things he can do are amazing.
  9. I was carring a 8in. knife the other day, I cant believe that is illegal
  10. oh yeah and that low carb diet is a good theory... If you sit on your butt all day and don't do anything. that diet is the worst for a martial artist because carbohydrates is what give you energy. cross-country runners and bikers eat lots of carbs the day before a big race.
  11. "Do you have any advice that is useful when starting out? Like what are good things to eat during the week and foods I should avoid?" DO NOT eat fast food often. I eat it less than 10 times a year and I am in great shape, but that may be becuase I am young and very active. And remember eat in moderation and don't completely cut anything out of your diet, just don't eat that food constantly.
  12. thanks i am a very fast learner, so if you have know people who received their black im that time im sure i can do it. what i mean by "very well" is to have a strong, solid foundation and knowledge of the basics
  13. my gi pulls out of my belt when I do jumping jacks or a lot of x-blocks, but some really expensive gi's don't do that
  14. has anyone else notice that fit karate students are getting uncommon? in my dojo maybe 1/3 of the students are in shape. I've seen people struggle to do 20 pushups when i' am doing about 60 before class starts as a warmup. Is this a result of most people being overweight and it is normal to be weak and soggy around the midsection?
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