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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Kobayashi Shorin-Ryu (Okinawan karate)
  • Location
    Milwaukee, WI, USA
  • Interests
    video games (FF series!), anime, cosplay, DDR, sewing, reading, and martial arts of course ^_~
  • Occupation
    college student
  • Website

Kamiya's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I enjoy all this anime chat, but I'm surprised the mods haven't moved us to a different forum, or slapped us on the wrists for being hideously off-topic. ^_^
  2. Wow, so much anime, so little time. ^_^ I've got Noir (and several other series) on CD's (I downloaded them off the internet, evil I know.) I haven't had a chance to watch them yet. Anime is indeed expensive. That's why I've taken to either downloading it, or buying imported versions off of eBay. The imported versions of series are packed onto fewer DVD's, so it's WAY cheaper. So far I haven't had a problem with taking this route. Plus a lot of the imports have the American voices as well, in case you aren't a subtitles person. ^_^ edit: almost forgot to add. I also have Boogiepop Phantom on CD's, and I watched it all in one day. I would not recommend doing this. Not only is it time consuming to watch ANY 12 episode series all in one shot, but when it's something as mind-bending as Boogiepop... Suffice it to say I was mentally AND physically exhausted after my little marathon.
  3. The short list: Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne, DBZ... I also love the Battle Angel Alita manga. And Final Fantasy. ^_^ (/geek)
  4. Hahahaha, it's nice to see other Rurouni Kenshin fans on the site. ^_^ (Well, obviously I already knew battousai was a fan. ^_~) I also own the series on DVD, though I'm still working on finishing it. (I only have about 10 or 11 episodes left to watch.) I haven't watched the OVA's yet, so don't ruin any major plot points for me. ^_^
  5. Kamiya


    *cringe* Well, good job recovering your dignity. Ouch though. Seriously. Ouch.
  6. Hey all, hopefully everyone hasn't forgotten me. ^_^ It's been awhile since I posted here. I have a busy schedule filled with working, playing video games, doing karate, and watching anime. Also, I've been researching buying a lizard, so I've been spending more time on lizard forums than karate forums. ANYWAY, I should say something on topic. For much of August I slacked off big time in karate, only going once or twice a week. But, I'm trying to get back on track. I went three days last week, and have already gone twice this week; I'm hoping to go Friday and Saturday as well. (Last night I had a GREAT workout. Whew, was I tired after that. ^_^) Also, on August 27th I received my white belt with yellow stripe (9th kyu.) Yay! So, I'll try not to be such an absentee from now on. I think my level of motivation in karate is directly proportional to how often I read these forums...so I better get my act together! ^_^
  7. I agree with others who have said the belt system is a good thing, as long as you are made to earn your belt. I think belt testings should be very strictly enforced. If nothing else, I think it's important for the students in the dojo to be able to discern among their peers who is more advanced in the art. That way they can show proper respect to someone more skilled.
  8. I think I'd prefer black if I had to choose a color other than white (which is the current color of my gi.)
  9. Or else...perfect for breakfall and takedown practice! I mean hey, if you can take a fall on cement and not get injured, you can fall anywhere! My school rents space in a building which also contains one or two other offices/stores (I wouldn't call it a strip mall, since there's really only 3 businesses...) There are also apartments directly above the dojo. (It's in an older "downtown" area.) Looks a little run-down from the outside, but it's quite nice inside.
  10. I hear ya, I just paid my registration fee yesterday. But, it also includes my first month, so it's not so bad. Good luck with your two new "past times!" (Martial arts and baby. )
  11. Well, I'm only a white belt, but at this point I would define martial arts as "the art of fighting." (I do feel there's more to it than just fighting, hence why it's "the art of fighting" and not just "fighting." ^_^ Sort of like the art of cooking vs. throwing a hot dog in the microwave.)
  12. Just for the sake of argument... If a person is concerned that at some point in their life there could be a situation where they need to fight, why take martial arts when you could just get a gun or pepper spray? It would be cheaper and easier. Actually, I don't really need that argument, because I already said that self defense was an exception. It was my understanding that this post was more directed at the people who take martial arts so they can "kick some butt."
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