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MrDash's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. About myself i weigh about 60kg and i am about 1.70m
  2. What exactly he said that 90% TKD is sport and just 10% in self defense
  3. there was this guy in our training hall(and had a balck belt) i asked him about if he could use taekowndo in self defense he said taekwondo is much a sport than a self defense art if that is true can u tell a good self defense martial art because the athletic side isnt really important for me
  4. i wnat to do martial which is good for self defense and i dont care about the sport
  5. Say guys what is the best matrial art for a 15 year old male
  6. Say guys can anyone give me a website about hoow to tie your taekwondo belt
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