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Ryan gry

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Everything posted by Ryan gry

  1. Can Anyone suggest some good sites to find correct sword stances , with written explinations and maybe some illistrations anyone ?
  2. What do think Would Be the Best style of sword combat? I also can't find any one around where i live to teach me any sword combat , so i Just stuff around With my bokken at home . Could battousai16 give us some MORE tips PLEASE!!
  3. They wouldn't come, they found out somehow that im a Kickboxer, it gave them another thing to bitch about. And 'Kata' wouldn't like a controlled fight he would go to school saying ' The only reason he beat me is because i couldn't go full on'
  4. Sounds sensible Enough. But I don't Want to look like a little Wimp In front of my Friends and especialy in Not in front of 'Kata' And his mates , I don't want to boost his ego anymore bigger than it is. Maybe this WILL end with a gang war?
  5. Yeh Its A bugger To learn But once you get good enough..............
  6. A part of me really wants to belt the living Crap out of him , I know i can beat him And i know he'll get in more trouble than i. And there is the fact that the s**t stiring wont stop ,because his friends Always egg him on And he doesn't want to dissapoint them. Yesterday arvo One of his mates got the s**t belt out of him by one of mine. The guy thats being trying to fight me (lets call him 'Kata') Is such a dog in a fight yesterday he walked up behind me with a rock in his hand .HE would of hit me with it if it wasn't for my mates, They yelled out to me. And when my friend was fighting one of 'Katas' Friends he would occasionaly jump in and kick or hit my friend in the back. I want this guy on the ground with me standing over him.
  7. in my opinion The three section is the ultimate weapon (for combat)its great for long distance attacks and can be used for close combat. Its great for choking holds.
  8. I've been training with the 6'foot staff for 5 years ,And it works very well for me.
  9. I'm About 5'9 and wiegh 58 kilograms. i've trained in Kickboxing ,7months, Taekido 2 years ,and have been training with the 6'foot staff for over 5 yrs.This guy is about 4 inches taller than me and i guess would wiegh in the 90's kilograms. This guy has no training that i know off. I guess im a bit nervous because i've never been in a real fight before.Today he approched me and i guess he told a how bunch of people that he was going to 'bash me up'. Half the school crowded around us, He walked right up to me and said the usual stuff he normaly would say. At that moment i thought that i would be able to head-butt him in the nose and start to through in a few puches also directed at his nose, But before i could, the teacher broke it up. Would of this worked do you think?
  10. He wont leave any for me, i am telling you this guy is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Keep those tips coming. They seem to be coming in handy. P.s How do you get your belt higher on this
  12. Having trouble at school, this big fat guy has been wanting to fight me for ages. He approches me with any chance he can Get, I want to hear some suggestions on how i should bring him down ,if he puts me in a situation that i cant walk away from ? Anyone ?
  13. ''The most powerful way to hit a target (in my opinion, at least) is to throw the punch in a relaxed state (gives you speed), and then tensing up immediately before you impact (so that your arm is a "solid structure" and can deal with the force of the impact). '' But can You Do that?, It is easier to say than do , do you always remember to tense at the last minute or do you hit the target before you tense ?
  14. This method has worked very well for me over the past 5 years .I find it easier to move around when i am relaxed . Its what i have been taught.
  15. IF its a street fight with more than 1 opponet you could always try to find a weapon of somesort , aim for legs and arms (if weapon is blunt object) to disable them , then run , Dont stay there to finish the job cause then they have the better over u in court ( if it goes thst far )
  16. When sparring i relax i try not to think of it as a fight but as a way getting to know your opponet .the more u spar the better u get to know your opponets tatics and eventully you can counter attack with ease
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