I'm About 5'9 and wiegh 58 kilograms. i've trained in Kickboxing ,7months, Taekido 2 years ,and have been training with the 6'foot staff for over 5 yrs.This guy is about 4 inches taller than me and i guess would wiegh in the 90's kilograms. This guy has no training that i know off. I guess im a bit nervous because i've never been in a real fight before.Today he approched me and i guess he told a how bunch of people that he was going to 'bash me up'. Half the school crowded around us, He walked right up to me and said the usual stuff he normaly would say. At that moment i thought that i would be able to head-butt him in the nose and start to through in a few puches also directed at his nose, But before i could, the teacher broke it up. Would of this worked do you think?