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Ryan gry

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Everything posted by Ryan gry

  1. Is there a record for most pages on one topic? Anyway THanx to all those that contributed to the topic. Here is THe scoop, ITS OVER NOW. We had our fight, well i wouldn't call it a fight.He came up to me , i told him to ''f*ck of , not in the mood" and he retaliated by grabing in my wrist with one hand and my throat the other. i really dont know what happened then, it happend really fast, but somehow i managed to brake, or Fractior ,his wrist. one of my friends told me that i grabed his thumb (the one gripping my throat) with one hand and twisted his wrist with the other. I personally think it was one big fluke. After that a couple of teachers questioned us about it (we were both present at this time), i couldnt stop looking at his wrist wraped up in bandages. he tried to stay that it was one big ' misunderstanding' but simply told the whole story, truthfully. And now he hasnt even looked at me eversince. I love happy endings .lol
  2. Thanks For the advice. when i first started this topic ithought i would get about 2-3 replies. but 8 pages is also good.
  3. In your opinoin what would be some of the best techniques to end a fight quick? , besides a kick in the grion
  4. My recommends? Get control over yourself... and your mouth.- White Warlock I have control ,after seeing the circumstances he has put me under. O.K i'll tell everyone here the whole story. THis has been going on since primary school (this happened so long ago i don't even remember how or what this whole thing started over and i doubt he does either!) all i remember is that we always got into fights , always started by him!. he left that primary school , i don't remember when, and i forgot about him. The years passed and we hardly ever saw of each over again (accept for bump intos up town or at the movies, even then he would either say something or do something to get us into a fight). Than came high school and guess who was there? I ignored him for about a year. Than this year came around and he rediscovered his enjoyment of picking on me . I've haven't yet once hit him! even though i should have a hundred times. If you look back through this forum you will read about how he sneeked up on me and try to hit me over the head with a ROCK! I've put up with a lot and now have come to relise that He wants to fight me to prove himself but i wont let him,i will never through a punch (unless no over choice)but instead i will let him embarrass himself in front of all his friends by showing how much of a stupid little boy he is. I'll Never give him the satisfaction he wants! even if i have to egg him on, it will just eat at him further. but i agree on your last few statements- i'll try
  5. THats not all, today he started sh#t, I mean like come'on i got over all of this 2 weeks ago.I was coming out of class and he was walking pass, he saw me so he walked pass and tryed to spook me by raising his hands suddenly,so naturally i raised my hands in defence. He said 'Huh, ur still a little *', i told him to get over it and only a very slow mind would do what he does. He than said ' do you want me to brake your leg?, than i'll get over it' so a said ,well you can come and try, i want stop you, so he came up grabed my shoulders and tried to kick my leg , i moved my leg slightly and his foot slid of my leg and hit the wall. 'HA!' he just made a fool of himself in front of about 20 people! I didn't react instead told him 'keep walking before i show you how to brake a leg!' he walked away so i yelled to him 'that's right, roll away!'
  6. Thanks for the tips ,but don't mind me saying 'huh!'
  7. Does anyone know any staff locks?, if so ,do you know of any good sites with detailed descriptions and illustrations? I've been trianing for 5 yrs. and have never been tought any. And i think i should have learnt some by now!
  8. will the skill of crushing a human skull ever be useful , granmasterchen do you compete
  9. Keep practising, after a while (and many bumps on the head )you see a big difference from when you first started .just don't give up to soon!
  10. i've played around with to bokkens at once and find its fairly hard but with a lot of practice...........
  11. I agree the staff is the way to go , 5 yrs training and its never got boring.
  12. where bout in aust do you live ?
  13. what sort of stances?
  14. " biting" ,Sounds like the stuff he would do to me
  15. I disguise it as a big walkin staff , or a long dog
  16. it depends on how you get hit, and how you take it . i always try to put my head (chin) into my shoulders when i can't escape a hit to the head , this Kinda absorbs the hit .
  17. I believe that carrying a weapon is a bad idea , it could be used against you , but if i had a weapon it would proberly be my trusty boe staff , it looks harmless and could be disguised as anything.
  18. When you train with your bokken, What do you think are the best exercises to increase your speed, strength and all round skill?
  19. Got anymore?
  20. It wouldn't look good in front of the school if i kick him. There are a lot of wannabe street fighters in my school. They think they know everything about a fight , yet they have never been even a little bit trained in any fighting arts. And most of them have never been in a fight .EVER. I sure would like it if there wasn't any wannabe street fighters in the world.They seem to think that going to the gym and building up their beach muscles will make them the best fighters in the world.
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