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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shorin-Ryu, Akido, Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujitsu
  • Location
  • Occupation
    NeuroPsychology intern, student

colinkelly's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thanks ya'll this has been a big help!
  2. devil, I think my problem is that i'm a meat head, I have a background in wrestling and I'm a weight room nut; sometimes I fall into using muscle power over technique and body mechanics. When my sensei points it out to me I'm ok for a while and my technique is fine, but after a few mins I'm right back to the "meat head" approach, it works but I find I have so much more power when I relax, why is that? warlock, would it be good for me to pratice kata for example also in full-tense? Should I do one more than the other?
  3. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on not becoming tense when doing sparring or blocking and counter-striking, I tend to fall into the trap that I have to be tensed up to be powerful. thanks.
  4. Happy to be here monkeygirl, luckyboxer, mizuno and fuji gi's are the best hands down for jujitsu, I like mizuno personally, they have ones that are super soft but strong as steel, both the single and double weave are not that heavy(at least i think so) , they also have one I think its the Euro Comp thats made of a more rough feeling cotton but it has a lean cut to it, take a look its worth it. Colin
  5. Hello all, I just joined and wanted to say hi.
  6. I just signed up, so hello first. I have a question about Judo Gi's? Which would be a better buy for long term use the mizuno signature or that yawara one, and I can't seem to find a chart that gives me an idea about how much it will shrink in the wash, my tiger claw one went down about a full size from a 6 to a 5 will mizuno do that as well, sizing is my biggest problem i'm 6'0 220lbs with a 50+ inch chest. can anyone point me in the right direction to go? Thank you
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