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wing chun kuen man

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Wing Chun, Chum Kiu level
  • Location
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Interests
    researching the traditional martial artes of china and okinawa/japan

wing chun kuen man's Achievements

Green Belt

Green Belt (5/10)



  1. Matousek, First of all let me say that take Manuelito´s advise and go and check out a Wing Chun school in person and of course don´t even think about training Wing Chun on your own. It is best to train with a qualified and legitimate sifu/instructor who belongs to an authentic lineage. Also avoid "new and improved" Wing Chun schools, whenever possible, because a lot of the times this is a marketing term that means that the original system has been adulterated, i.e. techniques have been taken out or modified for the sake of standardization of classes and simplification of the system. This could also mean that things, that do not fit within the concepts of Wing Chun have been added to "enrich" the system (or the pockets of the "inventors", who our counting on attracting more students because of their "improvements"). As for books, I consider Yuen Kay-San Wing Chun Kuen, History and Foundations an excellent book. Author is Rene Ritchie. Good Luck Wing Chun Kuen Man
  2. Ti, I believe that your sensei should just expel her from the dojo. That is what would have happened to her (very quickly) if she behaved like that in the kwoon (dojo) where I do my training. There are some dojos that do not tolerate that kind of behavior. Obviously it is up to your instructor. I do believe though that if he puts up with her behavior she will get worse and there is nothing to say that in the future you won´t have a second or even a third person like her training in the dojo....You see where I am going with this? I personally believe that there is a good reason and a place for the "rigid" discipline in some oriental MA´s. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  3. Samurai Shotokan, If you are serious about conditioning then it might be worth your while to arrange a makiwara or at least a place where you can train with it. To heal the bruising and to protect your hand it will be a good idea to use a good quality dit dai jow lotion. Like other people have said here in other posts, don´t rush your conditioning. Take it easy and be patient. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  4. EvilTed, My advice: Be strong (mentally and physically); be fast; be relaxed and be Evil Wing Chun Kuen Man
  5. 47MM, Well, I think you have by now most of the relevant info on how Wing Chun came to Brazil, however this is an alternative take on "Modern" Brazilian Wing Chun Kuen . Apparently the Gracies brought WC to Brazil, where they added grappling to its techniques and then they passed it to Master Orlando Cani, who is a Yoga master, here in Rio, by the way. Now in his academy master Cani added yoga relaxation techniques to the WC. As a result the Wing Chun practitioners here in Rio are relaxed kind of dudes . Oh I forgot, they also do the lambada, because , well we are talking about Brazilian Wing Chun, aren´t we? This Brazilian Wing Chun is taught everywhere. It is a very efficient system where you can become a grand master in 1.5 years, but of course if you really put a great effort into it, you can become one in about 10 to 13 months, it is all about how hard one trains. Because of its inherent bjj influence its ground grappling is very effective the only catch is that to get the practitioners to perform, you need to have lambada music playing in the background - it is rather like traditional MT boutes in Thailand, where the fighters dance to live background music. Of course the music played during the WC classes is not live because well WC is not a traditional MA, it is very modern, hence our music comes out of cd players. Unfortunately this is not always practical in street situations. However, on the positive side it does create a rapport amongst the fighters and this sometimes results in them forgetting their bouts and just dancing the lambada. Many specialists believe that the Brazilian branch of Wing Chun will in the future make a great contribution to world peace. Now about the important stand up applications of Brazilian Wing Chun Kuen. Well, as many of the experts in the forum know, there is actually no application. It is all based on theory and concepts. As a result of this advanced and secret approach to combat, the sparring sessions go as follows: one sparring partner will tell the other what he will do to the him in theory, and the other responds by saying how he would counterattack, in theory of course and this goes on back and forth. The winner is declared when one of the combatants is lost for words, and/or cries to the instructor. Also, because of this peculiar type of sparring sometimes accidents do happen and bouts have to be stopped when an exponent´s feelings are hurt and this pain can be very and I mean VERY deep indeed. These are the famous INTERNALS of Brazilian Wing Chun Kuen. When the bout or sparring match is over the instructor will most of the time declare the winner immediately, the exceptions are of course when he is in his deep yoga meditation - Master Orlando Cani´s yoga is dangerously, everpresent in this lineage of Wing Chun. Anyway, in such cases he will be woken by one of the disciples gently tickeling his central line and if this does not work the disciple will just raise the volume of the background lambada music. When there are no partners available the master always recommends the students to train with the wooden dummy. As those familiar with Wing Chun will know, the Wooden Dummy is an invaluable training tool. So it is very common to walk into the Kwoon (training hall) and find Brazilian Wing Chun Kuen (BWCK)practioner in the corner telling the dummy all the things that he will be doing to it, if it attacks him, however it is not uncommon to see a practitioner reciting romantic poetry to the dummy as well. As many of the more sensitive members of the forum know, dummies have feelings too. Anyway, 47MM , that was my alternative take on Wing Chun here in Rio. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  6. I don´t use drugs and I wish that we could live in a perfect world where all the people who are stupid enough to take drugs are too stupid to practice martial arts. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  7. Shorin Ryuu, Agreed. I went to have a look at local Shorin-ryu class here in Rio on one of my many "research expeditions". The difference between this style and for example Shotokan is very marked. The Shorin-ryu movements seem very fluid and relaxed and sometimes say they have, dare I say a "chinese" feel about them which means that some of the techniques are probably deceptively powerful. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  8. KillerMiller, Take it as a very positive note. I think a lot of cross trainers are missing a lot of the essence that is present in the traditional martial arts, because they believe that more is better. I won´t say anymore because I don´t want to start a new thread. However, your idea of writing an article about this is great and I look forward to reading it. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  9. Agreed. Give it some time and once you feel that you have gainned competence deserving of a tatoo then go ahead if you are still inclined that way. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  10. Killer Miller, I can´t wait for you to write an article on your points of view on cross-training. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  11. Rusty, Hello and welcome. Tell us about Zenshin. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  12. Sevenstar, Whoopsy! Yes, it is the 3 bottom knuckles icluding of course the pinky. Sometimes though the bottom two are used for more precise nerve center/vital point attacks where the fist "digs-in". Wing Chun Kuen Man
  13. In Wing Chun when we use the vertical fist rising strikes we use the bottom two knuckles (little finger and the one above). Not recommended for use on hard objects if your knuckles are not conditioned. Wing Chun Kuen Man
  14. 47MartialMan, I was just expanding on your point not arguing. No misunderstandings here. Wing Chun Kuen Man
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