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  • Martial Art(s)
    JKA Shotokan

Ant's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Whilst I study traditional JKA Shotokan, we learn a lot of grappling defenses and things that would be useful against street attacks rather than strict martial art attacks. I really like the teaching style of the JKA, every move is broken down into small chuncks and muscle memory takes care of the rest
  2. I speak from a theoretical phsycology point of view and with experience. I have seen situations escalate out of control because people seek revenge after a humiliation. A friend of mine ended up being in a bad situation and killed a man. People will seek retribution. A friend of my dads was shot in the stomach after he humiliated someone when they started a fight with him. If he had used the 1 or 2 devastating moves and ended the fight there he 'might' not have been shot.
  3. I don't get discouraged Just another off day, they are getting fewer as I progress though.
  4. Well I humbly take back my statement, I truly sucked last night when performing all kata's I am fairly lucky in that I got to study different arts when I was younger, Ju Jitsu, Judo, Karate and boxing from the age of 9 to 16 Getting back into Karate at 29 was not as hard as it was for the guys just starting out at my age. I stilled sucked
  5. I grade outside of my dojo in the main JKA grading (about 5 clubs take part). From what I can gather, Kihon carries a huge amount of importance, the kata the next (just the performance) and then the Kumite. This may not be correct but from listening to the comments made to other students on why they didn't pass etc I am lucky in that I am physically fit, did Karate for several years as a kid and have good balance/co-ordination. I think I have the system within myself now to string together moves I know with ease. The difficulty comes from the bunkai, the smoothness and actually understanding the Kata. For me it really is about the journey rather than the destination, but by learning quicker I can see more on my journey than I would be able to otherwise
  6. In my opinion yes I was. Not to the standard I would want to go to a grading with, but I feel I could have passed. There are only a couple of techniques that we haven't covered in our general classes over the last 9 months so it's not some amazing feat of martial arts skill, it's just stringing together what I have been toaught into a different order. Obviously I have a LOT more work to do on it, but I honestly feel it is up to the standard I saw at the grading on Saturday.
  7. I don't hate any excercie the one that causes me the most pain is press ups on my knuckles. It's not getting any less painful either
  8. Thanks for the replies. I should have been more clear in my original post. I meant learn the moves so the kata can be performed to an adequate standard for grading purposes. It took me 2 months to learn Heian Nidan and 2 hours to learn Sandan, obviously I am drawing on the experienced gained during learning the previous 3 kata. When we are taught a Kata we are shown the Bunkai at the same time and I suspect tonight we will practice the bunkai with oponents. I am enjoying Karate ever so much.
  9. I disagree that it's off topic and disagree that jsut batting them around is enough. Knowing what will end a fight comes with experience. Humiliation usually leads to retaliation and if you wanna walk around in fear of that then your method will probably work well. I read an interesting article in MA Illustrated today about the first strike and the misinterpretation of the words. I urge everyone to check it out.
  10. After my grading and getting marked very highly. I went to the dojo to learn Heian Sandan, I managed to learn the kata to a standard almost as good as my Heian Nidan straight away. It took me months to Learn Shodan and Nidan so I am pleased with my progress to say the least. How long does it take you to learn new Kata's (simple ones like the Heians)?
  11. I figure in a life or death situation every attack should end a fight quickly. Knockout punch, take down throw, take down sweep, leg breaking kick etc etc
  12. Did you used to work at my school I disagree wholeheartedly with this statement. Learning styles affect the way we learn. I couldn't spell until I was about 25, someone showed me how they learned to spell and suddenly my spelling improved in a big way.
  13. Yup, we are taught the exact same thing. DT Us too, but the wording is "Stay back (important) I don't want to hurt you" The stay back is a warning to stay ouside of your attacking range, if they step inside we are told to strike as a warning and if they don't get the message, strike to end the conflict. The sensei who taught this is an active member of the police force.
  14. It would appear that they also lied as it wasn't delivered to my home address at all. They just didn't send it. Still no sign of my refund for the postage
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