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malic's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. youre right i would never use it against a trained opponent and never as a first move...i have my own style of street fights and i try to soften up my opponent with jabs and low kicks and/or wrestling before trying anyting fancy like this...i would make a proper fool out of myself if i missed hahaha! + i could end up getting beat up...alex
  2. yes the kick seems worthless in street fighting and you would probably never hit a trained fighter with it but its very valuable as an excercise to develop other kicks and mobility in general...i have been trying for a week and i lack the flexibility to do a horizontal vesion of this kick i need to focus more on my stretching and i need to do the vertical version perfectly from both sides before i advance...i video taped myself this helped a lot (i have no mirror i can use) i will try and download the links you guys gave me but i have a very very slow connection to the net...im a tall guy so its extra hard for me and i never needed to stretch to do other kicks because i can reach allmost anybody cold but this kick is different and i cant get away with not being flexible on this one ...i saw a guy doing 3 vertical (the easier version) 360 kicks in a row this should be my next few workouts trying to do them combined and from both sides...if you want to try it for yourself and youre not super flexible do not try it on a heavy bag you can hurt yourself badly either hit a hand mitt or a speed bag this is better...alex
  3. im interested in the name of this kick too if there is one i never saw this kind of kick in takewondo it must be chineese?...alex
  4. my name is alex im 31 ive been in martial arts for allmost 21 years now started off in karate and then taekwondo then thai boxing and submission wressling and the last few years ive basically been training myself...no belt no ranks...anyway ive been focusing on my kicks recently and saw a movie where a guy basically does a 360 degree roudhouse with his front foot he jumps up in the air and pretty much lands when he hits his opponent with a high spinning roundhouse...ok simple enough i can do it on one side great and the other is coming along ...anway i saw yet another movie were i see the same kick only its something i can only describe as a 360degree horizontal spin roundhouse only he hits the opponent on the top of the head for example...the difference between the two is that the normal 360 roudhouse involves spinning around your axis vertically yet this chinese guy does a horizontal spin kinda like to the side!...WHOA! ...i tried a few times and landed badly haha...my question is can anybody here do this and any tips? or was the guy on a cable for the move ...how about a spinning heel kick like this in the other direction?...i only have a heavy bag to work out on so this presents another problem maybe i will make an uppercut ring...thanks for any input...alex
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