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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Long Fist, Praying Mantis, JKD
  • Location
    Kent OH
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, Guitar
  • Occupation

Zanbato's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. i dont know i dont claim to know a whole lot about this style but my buddy says that when he spars with his grandmasters son, the son always uses these drunken type movements and totally throws my friend off all the time...so idont really know my guess is that its at least moderatley effective if used correctly...but isnt it like that for just about any art.......
  2. The truth is that almost any style can be applied on the street...its the material its the training...plain and simple...i could snap someones joints with hapkido or i could break their nose TKD...or maybe even a little of both...most schools these days combine arts so u dont have to worry about trying to go to a bunch of different schools...but always try to take in what u can.......
  3. can u see the person coming or are they right in ur face before u know it...cuz if u have time enough to react and they are rushing straight in then they are just asking to get nailed...i know someone who has a habit of walking straight forward into me while we are training and if they pursue u let them...u start off with space in between u at the beginning of the match so right before they get to u belt them with a sidekick...if they are pursuing u like that their dodging capabilites will be horrible...if they are kicking u up close dont block with ur hands...block with ur feet and keep focused on their hands...as its been said before if u can use effective footwork then u can throw off their rhythm and at that point they will either have to keep taking punishment from u or back off...and just likein boxing keep the elbows tucked so u can jab quick and keep up a guard........
  4. I tend to prefer the shorter block kick from kung fu...not necessarily the most powerful of strikes but extremely effective for lower level blocking...as a matter of fact if u are good at it it is the single best way to block a kick below the waist...that can destroy someones confidence especially if they use tae kwan do and count on their kicks to get up there, u can beat them mentally in that aspect...plus its good for short range situations when u are fist fighting and u cant rely on on linear kicks...in that case the best way to go is with those kung fu kicks and of course ur most powerful weapon of all...the knee.......
  5. The Green Berets primarily train in filipino kali...thats where their entire knife and blade system comes from...Now in terms of grappling they still stick mostly with filipino arts...they emphasize many chokes locks and counter offensive manipulations...although the standard martial arts course for SF is only 6 weeks in length they typically have the ability to take most seasoned blackbelts because of the practicality that they learn...Their techniques are very versitaille in that one move can apply to many situations...the systems they use are also designed to work in the field...when they will be tired and hungry so it doesnt rely on brute strength all the time eventhough id watch out while they are healthy because they are very strong...Im not sure of every system they use but i know some of it is derived from kali, hapkido, krav maga, JKD, and a few other arts specifically developed for the military...there has been much reform in their training the past years in ways of not only physical training, but even some menttal and spiritual work as well.......
  6. Im new to this board...i was trying to get in on the action and was curious as to what people thought about the russian art of grappling compared to the japanese version........
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