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    Thai Boxing 6 years

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Green Belt

Green Belt (5/10)



  1. well i guess it depends what sort of place you live in cos i dont have anything worth very much and i certainly have no where to lock anything away. Besides if thats all they want they can have it. Im not going to fight for material things.
  2. not many burglars attack people when they are sleeping, whats the point? they want to steel stuff unoticed. It could happen but its unlikely. Besides if someone attacks me in my sleep they probably want to kill me, i would lose because they could just cut my throat.
  3. 4 hours gym, 1 hour private lesson, teach 1 hour private and i do about 4 to 6 hours a week of my own stuff such as running weights circuits shadow boxing depending on how i feel i do between 4 and 6 hours on average.
  4. your talking about a few different strategies there. attack and defence and faking attacks In MT the shins do clash but you use the top of your shin if you are blocking on the middle if theirs. Like hitting a stick with another one, if the one striking hits with the middle (weakest point) agains the end that is held of another stick, there is a chance the striking stick will break. normally i use a punch combination before landing the low kick, the fake you mention works well. but you cant use fakes many times cos they catch on, usually. The thing with the low kick is to not just think of the single strike but to kit the target many times. after a few strikes your opponents attack and footowork will suffer, you can exploit this. the continued attacks to the leg make openings upstairs. But remember if you strike and they show pain, you got your target, got for it.
  5. so Dijita, hockey is huge in canada, a ha, right, figures.
  6. When you train it it gets a little less scary. It can be hard to land a really solid blow against a closely matched opponent but yes it can be really nasty, knee to the haed is worse but harder to land.
  7. There are many fights in the UK with elbows and knees to the head. Its not the norm but it is very common.
  8. So Lopez, on 4th July will you be celebrating Independence day, the defeat of the martians by america?
  9. Yeah like rugby, American football WITHOUT the padding. Why is it the americans pad up for everything. Here the girls play hocley with no padding. LOL, what a bunch of girlies lol
  10. really Dijita, is that what they do in KK . Teach you to sit there and not move until the job is done. No wonder they are so easy to beat. lol you set yourself up for that one.
  11. yeah only girls play it here in Britain, us men are too hard for that.
  12. lol, yeah actually its nice but its still a car park but there si some greenery, damn we are off topic
  13. Low kicks flow well from punches, i usually use the opposite leg to do the kick of a punch e.g if i use the right to punch i throw a left low kick. THis helps you get your weight and hips behind the kick to make it powerful, also its more than "uncofortable" for the opponent. You MUSt be careful though as you care in closer range than most other kicks that when you finish the kick you come back to guard quickly or do something else, you are vulnerable to punches just afterwards.
  14. lets not get started about her again..lol thats a terrible view. I got a view of the car park, yay, lucky me.
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