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silentblade8's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I would like too know what you think is more effective in any type of street fight. Any type of punch or any type of kick. Which is more effective in a fight? We will say a regular forward punch vs a roundhouse. Saying the person is of medium build.
  2. I think bein a black belt at a young age is a very bad idea. I have been in Karate for 4 years and im right in the middle of the ranking system. Being a black belt may meen you kno the technique and basic style but when you are young you arent ready mentally or physically to compete with that level of belt in a tournament. Dojos that produce black belts at the ages up to 16 seem like they are only after the money and to please the parents with progress. Being blackbelt at a raw age gives you false ideas about how good you really are in a real fight or in a tournament. It makes them cocky also they are not able to have the maturity it takes to be a black belt. Also they think they can whoop anyone and when they get whooped then they will not go or the parents will blame the sensei.
  3. I think the most effective is a side kick to just about any where u can put it. But any kick to be effective needs to be powerful enough to hurt the opponent any where u send it. A round house is easy to block but probably just as powerful.
  4. Well i think u should stay at your current dojo. The one with all the sparring doesnt sound like a healthy kind of place if is alls they do is spar. U could get hurt that way or not learn the proper technique that goes along with the style. But this is only my opinion.....and your situation sounds like the same as that one kid in that movie the karate kid haha. [/code]
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