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  • Martial Art(s)
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    martial arts

drunkenninja's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I think from what ive read I will use sand instead of water, since some have had problems with leaks. and hmm..Which weighs more? sand or water? It should be here monday.
  2. Thanks, i went ahead and ordered it. I think id like it and with sand, it should be stable with good workout. When i get it, Ill post my reviews about here. Im sure my girlfreind will appreciate it since i wont have to ask her to hold up the targets for me anymore.
  3. pacific shore, do you have the original, wavemaster?
  4. Has anyone used the Wavemaster xxl bag? I am considering buying one. Im not so sure about freestanding bags though. My biggest concern would be of course, would i knock it over?
  5. gumbi, where i train, you never know when you will be tested, just one day I go into class, and the instructor asks everyone to stand aside.And has me perform a kata, maybe some techniques, and asks me some questions. If I pass, he says take off that belt. Then he goes and get the next level belt and ties it around my waist himself and says congratulations. He never asks me to buy anything ever. Its a real dojo. I really respect him as a Sensei.
  6. I can see why the name "backyard sparring" might raise some eyebrows. lol. But that is exactly what it is. We a have a backyard that is private and me and couple of freinds thought it was good idea. Of course, we must understand that its only for workout, and a little practice. nothing personal will be taken from it. We are mature adults. And we will NOT go full contact. That would just be stupid, we would use control, but wed have alittle more freedom to hit alittle harder, and kick legs, a little takedowns and some grappling, just basic stuff not allowed in dojo. But the main thing is to agree beforehand on the rules, especially "tap out", which would basically just be saying "enough" then it all stops.
  7. I totally agree with itaian_guy. You and your bro absolutely can't quit now. Your much too young to give up, find another dojo, and get back into it. You want revenge? join a dojo and beat all their students in tournements! lol No really, get back into MA, even if its not TKD which im sure you've grown fond of. Have an open mind to the other MA.
  8. poppa4pump1, Your a master of isshinryu, so I want to ask you a question regarding that site that krunchyfrogg posted. Did you check out the photo page, then goto training. then they have a pic of them doing seisan kata. In that pic, it looked to me like they were not punching center, like they were punching arms? It may have been the angle of cam, but i doubt it. What do you think about this?
  9. LOL. Why save a dollar when I can save more than a dollar? http://www.martialartssupermarket.com/index.cfm?action=showProd&subid=822
  10. And no bdaze no betting whatsoever will take place. it just me and 2 other guys, for fun and sport only, and they understand what that means.
  11. hmm. I am adult 28. The thing is, I am from small town, so there are no gyms within 50 miles from me that i could walk into and fight. So I came up with this crazy idea, we have a yard. its fun and good excercise so why not?
  12. Yeh well the backyard is a freinds, private, can barely see it from road. Flat, perfect. Of course wed have to make rules like tap out, or say "tap out" if it is only 2 of us, and maybe even paint a ring on the ground. But it will be fun once the gear gets here, i even ordered the chest guards cause i know there would be attacks there. lol.
  13. I just came up with this great idea, that I could get some protective gear together, and do some backyard sparring with a couple of freinds of mine. They love the idea, and I do to since we would be able to get a little rougher, and try new things that are not allowed in my dojo. Does anyone else do this? Also is something i should ask sensei about? or is it not a big deal? Thanks.
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