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  • Martial Art(s)
    Shen Lung Hsing-I, Chen Style Taijiquan

QuaiJohnCain's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Uhhh, just who are you talking about? Just curious if this got posted wrong or something....
  2. I think the only two styles that are close to 100% soft are Aikido or YANG style Taiji. Chen Taiji is not, and should not be considered soft. It's only sometimes soft, sometimes hard, and it's not about a balance between the two- it's about change. You can't pin "soft" or "hard" onto Chen. That's the point of it. Goes the same for Yiquan as well. IMHO, TKD is TOO hard and it's habits that it trains will be counterproductive to learning something like Taiji or Aikido. If not, then practicing softer techniques WILL affect your TKD, possibly to the point where your teacher may say you're TKD is no longer correct... You may do good to consider switching to something that's got both.
  3. Honestly, I would move to a city richer in MA. You might consider doing that- but you have to weigh how much you REALLY want to train under good instruction versus being complacent with limited options... BTW, has your teacher considered at least fostering his established students while he heals? It's been done before....
  4. Muay Thai. By a BIG margin. I really like the positive attitude that TKD circles have these days, but thier training sucks.
  5. I don't usually revive such old threads, but I had to with this one. Sun style Taiji has some principles from Bagua and Xinyi, but it's not a combo of the three. Chen Pan Ling Taiji has alot of Xingyi and Bagua too, but it's still taiji. The style that synthesizes Xingyi, Bagua, and Taiji is called Liou He Ba Fah, or "Six Harmonies, Eight Methods" sometimes called Water Boxing.
  6. Go for Xingyi, Taiji or Bagua then. Those are the big three internals that have the type of training that you may be looking for. What Fat Donkey mentioned is close, just leave the candles out of it. Just work with your mind and body and breath.
  7. Assuming the instruction in any of the following would be good, I'd say the top 5 are (from worst to best): 5. Boxing /w Wrestling 4. Jujitsu 3. Kyokushin/Isshin Karate 2. MT/BJJ (MMA) 1. Xingyiquan
  8. More Zhang Zuang (Standing Meditation). At LEAST one hour per day (solid). If this answer seems too simple, you're missing it.
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