your right SevenStar,just looking for the quicker developement to aid self defence. i know a number of people who have taken martial arts/self defence classes after they have been attacked(its a bit late then) my theory is "prevention is better than cure". i would rather learn something before being attacked,to reduce the chance of becoming a victim. also,i know some mates who have taken up martial arts,and due to the lack of developement(they felt the techniques learnt were not very practical,or too difficult)have simply given up after a years training. i understand that some people train martial arts for the mental as well as physical side. but for me,i am only interested in the physical side(at the moment). if you feel your making good progress,and the techniques are practical,its easy to keep training,and making progress. but if the techniques are too difficult to learn,its very easy to loose enjoyment and give up. at the end of the day,everyone wants something different from ma. for me,learning useful skills quickly is most important,and not being too complex to learn is next. so is judo better than jjj for me? and to throw a "spanner in the works",how would wado ryu karate fit my requirements compared to judo? thanks for all the replies already.