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Everything posted by ducky

  1. seth carroll - gold belt - american karate ( a tang soo do variant with grappling and boxing)
  2. the only thing that doesn't give you cancer these days is love. that gives you AIDS
  3. i like to use a side kick but the most fun for me is a jump spinning crescent kick
  4. ive never sparred with my sensei, but last night I grappeled with him and it was quite a battle. we exchanged holds and takedowns and pressure points and grabs, but i ended up getting exausted and he took me down and put me in an armbar. i wasn't embarrased about losing, he's a 4th dan, i didn't expact to win, seeing that im only a gold tipped belt (9th kyu).
  5. ducky


    here's a hint: we do something to increase battle awareness & reflexes: its called the flag game, you divide up into 2 teams, 2 flags (can be pieces of belt or w/e) in your belt, and you run around and try to take the opposing teams flags. you cant hide or put your hands over your flags, you can only twist your body to prevent a flag from being taken, or run. no real contact is required, and if you go outside a designated area, you lose one flag.
  6. i agree on the american's generalization thing. that's just such a wrong generalization. im originally from arkansas, then i moved to houston, TX where i lived for 9 years and spent most of my childhood. well then i moved to alabama. and its all such different places. i recently took a trip to New york, and it was like a completely different country to me. so don't get so hyped up about americans being so american and hypocritical. anyway, i live in alabama right now, and in the uber-small town of 5,000 i live in, we have 3 MA dojos. we have a wing chun kung fu, an american karate (what i take) and a traditional karate. so, id say wing chun is the most popular seeing as the pissant town i live in practices it. btw we used to have a tae kwon do place, but the wing chun took its place over in the gym that its located in
  7. karate in olympics could be ok, but if people just want flashy kicks and moves, then why not push for that acrobatic "neokarate" stuff???
  8. oh ok
  9. a knife is much more effective for something like this. a knife will kill if aimed at the chest, however, a gun isn't likely to. a gun can penetrate and the bullet will stop when it hits a bone. generally not a deep wound. but a knife will penetrate and a make a very, deep wound and will damage more on the way to the back than a bullet. its also less likely to be seen or less likely to hurt yourself with.
  10. we do it exactly like that, your in front, their behind you, you bring their arm palm up , elbow to your shoulder, but we stop right before elbow hits to practice our "one-steps". we don't throw over shoulder. i suppose you could, but i dunno how you would begin to practice that without injury.
  11. when you get to the snap part where you grap their arm and slam it on your shoulder, don't slam it on your shoulder.
  12. we are required to make a kata to gain black belt status.
  13. in english, we do: mid block, elbow to chest, turn through elbow, bring arm over shoulder--snap
  14. no not too much tae kwon do, but i got my belt!
  15. im going up for my next belt on friday. i know my form, and we're required to know 3 one-steps and a defensive manuver as a white belt-gold tipped belt
  16. dunno...i live in arab. alabama. heh. i saw it on a map one time when i went to new york. i think that's pretty good for a population of 5000
  17. we're around 65/35 in favor of punches
  18. thanks guys! also, i have no choice in my small town, this is the only studio. but its good, so i don't think i have anything to worry about.
  19. a bad back is no reason to skip a MA. my dad has a horribly bad back and studied usaf tae kwon do in the 70's till around the middle of the belt ranking, and took jujustu/muay thai classes in the 90's.
  20. not sure. but it prolly is, because we have a 5th dan instructor a 4th and a 3rd dan. and the 5th and 4th were in the military so.
  21. ok, i found out: its a mix of shotokan, shorin ryu, tae kwon do, greco roman grappling and western boxing. quite a mix eh?
  22. hey im a white belt taking my first MA, and i was wandering if you could give me some info on just american karate. i know some of you might ask what kind it is, but all i know is that it is american karate, and we don't go by japanese names for techniques. we're a small dojo in a small town, so we are relaxed. (stuff like no uniform reqs). ps....don't flame me! i don't like to explode
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