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Everything posted by Spin

  1. Thanks, I'll fix that asap and report back then
  2. http://poem.g3.cc/zboard/data/nunch/¤¾¤¾04.AVI Another good clip, this is definatly one of my favorites..
  3. Here we go, I found it finally.. Enjoy http://chex.swaza.com/stylez/guest/GemmaNguyen.zip
  4. I appreciate your distain for inpractical techniques Shorinryu Sensei, but what you have to appreciate is that for the first seven years of my nunchaku experience the nunchaku have been a toy to me, something fun to do to pass the time while my friends sat around watching films. I have explored what is possible as far as moving with the nunchaku to an extreme, and have expressed myself creativly with nunchaku a great deal. Only recently have I started to take the combatative aspects or "martial arts" applications of nunchaku seriously.. So forgive me for enjoying to do silly things with nunchaku, its fun.. However I do appreciate your frankness on the subject as I'd much rather someone be able to justify their objections than them just objecting without being able to provide rationale behind their opinions. Thanks for your input everyone, I intend to look into it furthur as soon as possible
  5. The site was deleted due, my host says, to a cpanel error while he was on holiday. The error is resolved now and Ive uploaded the site again but as I didnt have an EXACT backup there are plenty of dead links and images. Most of the stuff should work though, although the guest footage archive has been decimated and will need some work to get back online.
  6. Hey everyone! Ive improvised my own flashy nunchaku techniques for years, just for fun really, but recently I have started training more offensive techniques and adapting my flashy stuff into deadly stuff .. Ive come to the conclusion that grappling is definatly a very effective application of the nunchaku, and I was wondering if anyone knows of any arts that employ nunchaku grappling so I can study it furthur..
  7. If single/double filipeno sticks were on the list, I'd recommend them, just because it is a very practical weapon and can be easily improvised incase of emergencies (how hard is it to find one or two sticks to whack someone with?? alternatly snap a pool que over your knee and make your own )
  8. Foam nunchaku are usually only useful for your first steps into nunchaku, or for attempting difficult moves for the first time.. There is usually a big different between foam padded training nunchaku and normal wood or metal nunchaku.. although the wood or metal nunchaku will hurt more when you mess up, I think they are better for training, as nothing is as good as using the real thing.. Foam padded nunchaku are all well and good if you can find the right ones, I have some which have thin wooden bars under the foam and they are great, the wieght is quite realistic and its very hard to hurt yourself with them, which is a bonus when you do nunchaku like I do The ones with thin plastic bars under the foam are just crap, they dont wieght enough to get a realistic feel for how solid nunchaku will be, plus they are far too easy to break.. once I demonstrated to some friends how little being hit with plastic tube foam nunchaku actually hurts, whacked a friend round the head with them, and they broke
  9. Hey everyone! Ive been looking for a nunchaku video for a while now, Its a tournament clip of Gemma Nguyen.. I keep finding it on kazaa but the sharer always goes offline before I can download the full clip.. the filename on kazaa is CC2000-GemmaNguyen-Nunchaku and in the file it mentions https://www.bilang.com but I cant find the video clip on there Does anyone have this file or know where I can get it?? (ps: when I find it I'll post a link up here coz its a very entertaining clip!)
  10. Dunno what happened to nunchaku.tv, Its a shame though
  11. Thanks, I stole it from some german smiley site that isnt around anymore, well either that or I forgot the URL
  12. I prefur chain personally, but thats just a matter of opinion really..
  13. I have most common sorts of nunchaku in my collection. I usually use foam padded ones, but with wood under the foam, not the lightwieght plastic tube ones that break really easily ..
  14. haha, thats tooo cool Heres a couple of new clips I made, nothing practical but great fun Double Ariel: http://chex.swaza.com/stylez/Double-Ariel.zip Spins to Ariel: http://chex.swaza.com/stylez/Spinz2Ariel.zip Enjoy
  15. mackdaddy: have you tried any Poi patterns with double nunchaku?? Examples: http://chex.swaza.com/stylez/Chex-Poi-1.zip http://chex.swaza.com/stylez/Chex-Poi-2.zip
  16. I always feel too restricted when I use two sets at the same time, my preference is single nunchaku..
  17. I learned with a metal set of nunchaku, I'm sure it helped me learn quicker.. (if it hurts when you f**k up, you learn NOT to f**k up quicker ) and yes, I agree (with whoever said it), training with training weapons does give a false sense of security.. to truly embrace and learn a weapon you need to be using the real deal...
  18. This is a rather pointless animation that I came across yesterday, I imagine some of the sillier people among you might find it quite amusing https://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com
  19. I dont speak or read korean, it seems my site is quite popular over there though and a couple of korean guys submit lots of nunchaku great footage to my site
  20. I've got one kata clip that I found on kazaa, but I dont really have access to much kata stuff as people only really submit freestyle clips to my site.. http://chex.swaza.com/stylez/guest/guest-kata-1.zip
  21. This is a great clip of glowing nunchaku http://www.nunchak.co.kr/movie/leesi1.wmv
  22. http://poem.g3.cc/nunch/jungmo/523jungmo.wmv ^ More korean footage http://bano.com.ne.kr/asf/plss7.asf ^ french nunchaku display http://chex.swaza.com/stylez/guest/howard-5.zip ^ Another freestyle from howard lee http://chex.swaza.com/stylez/guest/howard-tut.zip ^ howard lee teaches some of his techniques
  23. Thanks for the compliments by the way Also, My website (TheSpinStorm) greatfully accepts any contributions of nunchaku video footage, so if you or someone you know want to film some footage and get it online, get in touch through the usual channels..
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