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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. It is terrible news, I saw pantera twise when I was younger, they were THE metal band at the time in my opinion.. RIP.. The gunman was killed there and then aswell, so they'll probably never know the motive :S
  2. I'd say its down to opinion for the most part, try both and see what YOU think
  3. Hey everyone! Recently I visited a website (4th edit: fussy forum settings guyz ) and have joined their folding team. Basically your computer becomes part of a distrobuted computing network that is used to help carry out scientific work that requires massive ammounts of work. You can tell the program exactly how much of your system resources it can use, ideal for stopping it from slowing you down while your working on the machine, or setting it higher while your away from it.. This to me seems like a very excellent idea, your computer can be helping solve massive scientific problems and calculations while your not even at it!! Theres a variety of different projects out there, one of the most interesting ones that Ive seen is the Folding project of stanford university.. http://folding.stanford.edu Could you be putting your idle resources to better use?
  4. Sadly I dont think you can find it online, however next time I speak to Steve I may ask him If I can sell his vidz on my site.. I'll catch up with you about it when I know more.. Have Fun
  5. Oh yeah, Python, I improvised flashy techniques for around seven years, eventually it gets boring.. Thats about the time I decided to start learning how to beat stuff with them
  6. that is remarkably similar to how I feel about things I feel the same with my studies of computers, I'll NEVER run out of stuff to learn !!! Us DMA's love google too (Never heard of the Digital Martial Arts? you have now )
  7. just posted that on another thread, seemed appropriate to post it again.. Thats the best video that Ive seen so far, I'm not sure you can purchase it online though, well unless I persuade Steve to let me sell em on my site..
  8. Shorinryu Sensei its almost like I never see a thread in this forum where your NOT bi***ing about flashy nunchaku techniques (I'm just playing, please dont take offense, I appreciate your efforts to enlighten us kidz) I have recently started to train more offensive techniques and methods with nunchaku, and I'd like to thank everyone who has offered their advice on practical nunchaku technique, rest assured that if you throw enough s**t at a wall some of it will stick As for instruction video's, I'd have to recommend Steve Powell's "Secrets of nunchaku".
  9. I'd love to see the sai kata vidz, where did you find them??
  10. No offense taken, I know little about realistic weapon training, so Im guessing you know best.
  11. Thanks for the replies guys.. I didnt mean to show any disrespect by the way, my way with words can get a bit , well, I dont know the word, but I didnt intend disrespect I'll have to leave this thread for a little while, as important and delicate things have come up which require my attention, and Id rather leave the thread for a while then come back and reply in depth than just bang a quick reply up and forget about it... rest assured I shall return to it !
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