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zerolimitii's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. how do you air out boxing gloves? and what are other ways of washing boxing gloves?
  2. after passing my belt test in TKD i decided im going to quit since i finally talked my way into doing muay thai with my mother. i checked out a muay thai gym that is the most closest to me and is at a community center. 45$ a month no contract. so im going for it. i may ask what i should buy for equipment for both classes and home training. yet im on a budget, i only have 100 dollars to spend. also what should i expect in a muay thai class. how is it different to other martial art classes? also do i even have a chance in muay thai? im 15 and a 100 pounds, im not the most athletic person, i dont usually play football or baseball because im afraid of the ball, and everyone picks on me. although i tend to do very well in tkd in my opinion, in both sparring and learning techniques, which surprised me. thanks alot.
  3. from what i learned from spinning kicks such as the narubang (spinning roundhouse kick or 540 hook kick) you must not hesitate or have no fear, especially in sparring. i see most people stall in the middle of the spin causing them to not really be spinning but kinda hopping up and down, then excecuting the kick. you must do it all at one motion.
  4. not only does kiyuping give more power, but also a sense of style. i want a different kiyup since "eyyyy" sounds plain. all my masters have all these cool sounding kiyups and i want mine to be unique. but i need some ideas first. whats ur kiyup sound?
  5. i would recommend buying adidas, kwon, or tekno hogu. shin guards and forearm pads arent really important since ur a beginner so get cheap ones for now. same goes for helmets. u can pick up the boiling type single mouthpieces or the double with the hole in the middle, but i recommend single since ur gonna have to kiyup alot.
  6. guys those are great counters of the front kick but u cant really hit below the waist in TKD sparring. so attacking the leg is illegal. so what u are saying is get hit by the push kick then move in for the kill? or is there a way for me to move in... also what if i close the range of him and he decides to pick up his leg and do an inside crescent axe kick? and how do i attack from an angle?
  7. usually we have 2 classes of the day, both are for kids. the first class is for toddlers and up that are begineers, the second class is for teenagers and advanced belts (brown - black). well i choose to join both classes. i am an unexperienced white belt, yet the fact that i have to spar red - black belts in the first class makes me a bit fustrated. the second class i tend to get very fustrated, i get beat down like nothing. the instructors pair me up with people my size but they are probably 10 blets higher then me. at the end of the day i was so fustrated that i felt like * the rest of the day. i dont know what to do when he does this, or that or w/e. so as u know, im going to train twice as hard to beat these guys. and show my instructors my potential and humiliate the higher belts. i seem to have a huge problem when people with super long legs just push kick me when i try to move in, sometiems i try to dodge the cut kick and do a back kick, but i cant even touch them. and the fact that they can do a headshot much easier then i can to them, i have no way to scoring points on these guys. so i thought of one strategy that will probably work on anyone, countering. what are some great countering strats from fast kicks, axe kicks, double kicks, hook kicks, cut kicks, etc etc. and what are the main kicks i should work on to use for sparring. i was planning on working on my double kick for a whole month, non stop to increase its speed and power, then the next month i would work on fast kick, then the next month hook kick, and so on. thanks advice is really appreciated!
  8. i have a test this week saturday and im going to have to break a board with axe kick. yet when i practice board breaking my axe kick is very weak, or at least thats what my instructors tell me. the way i was taught to do it was by lifting my knee up, extend it and snap it downwards, and use my heel.also to bring urself forward when u do it (dont do this when ur sparring though). my axe is very weak, and need some suggestions on what u think is wrong.
  9. i checked out the gym today. and watched the class for an hour and left (was getting dark). i liked it. the instructors seem to be experienced, and there were alot of hardcore guys in there (buff guys with tattoos, bandanas, etc). the only problems i seem to find was the gym itself. its a bit small, very hot, and kind of old. also i find it really dissapointing that they did not do any type of warm ups or conditioning in the beginning of class, it seems they just jump rope for about 3 minutes, stretch and do a little pushups then go do drills. but yet i wouldnt mind joining the gym, but i am going to look around a bit more. i am a very picky person, and expect to train hard.
  10. in a movie i saw a type of duffle/equipment bag that can open by simply sliding it down. here are some pics from the movie of what im talking about: http://mywebpage.netscape.com/x1337sauce/bag1.JPG heres the picture of the bag http://mywebpage.netscape.com/x1337sauce/bag2.JPG about to open up the bag. what hes trying to do in the movie is open the bag with his foot, by putting one foot on one side, and sliding the zipper down through the ring (?) to open it. its not necessary to do this but its a movie so hes trying to do it all fancy. http://mywebpage.netscape.com/x1337sauce/bag3.JPG bag is opened. what are these bags called and where can i find them?
  11. i popped open the yellow pages and looked under martial arts. and there was this ad: MUAY THAI KICKBOXING- *Self defense/Conditioning *Free Introductory Class *No contract required *Tues, Thurs, Sat classes its $40 a month which is half of which i pay for taekwondo ($80). the hours are from 5:30-7:30 pm. but when i asked if they have a boxing ring and such they said no, they have hard ground. is having a boxing ring important? so give me some feedback on what u think about this. im going to probably check out the class on saturday.
  12. my taekwondo gym also teaches muay thai, but rumors say that the class isnt that great. also when i went into the office i never seen any muay thai metals or trophys, all of them were taekwondo. but im going to watch the class tommorow so im not too sure yet. but yeah is there a website or something that will tell me all the gyms close by me or something, i want to look for a good gym that is also close. oh and my parents think boxing is dangerous and dont want me to take it, or make me finish taekwondo first. you guys got any ideas? ive tried negotiating, giving points, etc etc but all they say is "its too damn dangerous boy! your going to get hit so many times in the head that ur gonna turn stupid!" blah blah.
  13. do people that are the same age and size as me take muay thai too? and what if im the only youngster in the gym? should i take the class anyway?
  14. there are some top ufc fighters that live in hawaii. but yeah i really am interested into muay thai. so what ur trying to say is if theyre guard is by the side of their head its good? my friend was taught from a good gym, and he taught me to put my guard infront of my face just below the eyes and to cover ur nose/chin.
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