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Everything posted by Psycho

  1. Front kick to the chin? if you can do it with speed why not :> Front kick to balls? very very cheap and may cost you a belt if you're not careful. axe kick? very effective if you can attain good spped and wait for the right opportunity. I personally LOVE the axe kick and have caught several people with it as has our sensei in his title fight :>
  2. Front kick to the chin? if you can do it with speed why not :> Front kick to balls? very very cheap and may cost you a belt if you're not careful. axe kick? very effective if you can attain good spped and wait for the right opportunity. I personally LOVE the axe kick and have caught several people with it as has our sensei in his title fight :>
  3. the easiest way is to get out of the way :>
  4. I prefer the belt system as it gives a very visual image of a students progress, our school has white yellow orange green blue brown black (with high and low to each colour). As for should kickboxing be considered a martial art or a martial sport, I think that would all depend on the mental aspect of your training, if you incorporate the full martial discipline in your everyday life as well as in your training then it becomes an art, if you just focus on fighting and techniques then it would be more of a sport.
  5. The spinning back fist is extremely powerful if you let your arm whip, a good situation to use this is when you have more than one opponent (like on the street) and you want to scare teh bejeesus outta them :> maybe even connect and make them think about coming in close
  6. I think my worst excersize is machine gun round kicks all around the room, I can do them but I don't like it :> the 4 corner kicks are fun I make my classes do them quite often :> but then again Sensei Sandie is who I teach with Aren't you glad I don't do any of the higher belts Lori??? [ This Message was edited by: Psycho on 2001-12-03 10:46 ]
  7. gee Lori how come you've never made ME an offer like that :> I love doing Kata in class as well as weapons training, I think the least favorite thing is standing in a line doing jump spinning hook kicks all class :>
  8. Hey Lori :> told you I would finally post, I've found usually if you can't shake a personn while sparring to go back to basics, use your front kick often whenever someone keeps driving towardss you, they will either back off or eventually pay the price for coming at you.
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