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Everything posted by karateguy24

  1. not sure my guard changes all the time. If I am in grappling competion I prefer to have the hands open so I can grab. sparring for kick boxing I prefer them up but the fist not tight but held losely. I done point sparring a couple times. I would have my lead hadn down and my back hand up just so they have an opening I can play off. IN kick boxing I wouldn't leave my hands down I prefer them up. Gets to crazy in there especially in close to drop a hand.
  2. I enjoy traditional arts but I also enjoy contemporary arts like MMA and BJJ. but I am feeling because of all this mixed martial arts events and huge growth in the NHB and grappling competions and such that interest will be lost in the traditional arts? Even though they have alot of good points to teach. what are your thoughts?
  3. Soken Matsumra if the stories were true. As well as Gokenki and many others least this is the OKinawa part since I read some of the history. of course Gokenki is chinese I believel Choki Motobu, Hohan Soken. Now days, Randy courture, Oscar Delahoya, Vandereli silva, many other good fighters.
  4. so much good stuff in Kata. I really like the wushu forms at least for the beauty of it.
  5. Interesting Article. I don't agree with it though. Not every Piece of it I am saying I don't agrew with. But alot of it I don't. For example each style has its own ways and pattersn of doing those things. Unless you work outside your pretty much are goign to defend your self based off of adrinline fear or anger and what ever programing you gave your body by repition. So saying you can be prepared for what ever the person does is kind of silly. You can prepare for all you want. The reality is we only better are chances of doing better we don't garentee we will. This is why I believe in Cross training. But that is my opinion. Also I do agree with that we are all human and in some little way or big way after an ecounter of human engagment of some sort we aren't the same we learn something or something happens to us and we change. Port of that aritcle remind me of the philisophy bruce lee wrote in his books. but that was just eastern Philosophy reworded and having it fit or tie in with the martial arts. still none the less the well writen article I just don't neccearily agree with it. "Side Note: The title of the article does state A PRINCIPLE. This article was never intended to cover every aspect of fighting, just a single concept deemed important by the author." so what is the principle you were trying to get across exactly? No fear? That isn't going to happen. Me when I get into a physical altercation I do have fear, or anxiety. Its just how you deal with those emtotions and go on. But thats my opinion take it for what ever its worth.
  6. Chris Brennan's seminar at Hawaii for HMC kick boxing club. He is good instructor and show's excellent technqiue. antoher good video is Mario Sperry Valetudo series 3 were he has ricardo arona as a partner throught the series. some times hard to under stand with the accent. But good series and technqiue none the less. Any one know of others?
  7. I agree that the word Mcdojo is in the eye of the beholder. Every one has there defintion of a "Mcdojo" the author of this thread is right. Just try it out and see if you like it. or if you don't think a place is for you move on. Of course I do agree if two diffrent schools teach the same style. One school it takes 4 years or more to get a black belt and the other school takes one year to get a black belt. and you can tell the level of the black belts is below those of your school as far as basics that are worked and as far as technical profiency then I would say its a mcdojo. but again that is in the eye of the beholder maybe some people at that school think the instructor at my school is a jerk. and think mine is a mcdojo. So its in the ey of the beholder.
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