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Everything posted by harley88

  1. tofu thankyoy for the info I need to check out some of the current fighters if Iwant renew my interest in the sport and I do.Just because I am to old to fight now doesn,t mean I can,t watch. White Warlock ,thank you for your offer to research this out .I had no ideal so little information was available about these older fighters in the old PKA .You don,t have to look up this for me ,but more than anything do it for these great fighters that we had back them .There needs to be some sort info kept somewhere so that we can give these fighters the recognition they deserve so badly and to make sure that they will not be forgotten. Thank you, harley88
  2. Maybe I owe you an apolgy and yes I have researched my questions out a little more plus what I meant that I was proabably asking question that I should have asked in another section of the website .Nobody is calling you a waiter.I was asking for help from anyone willing to answer .I belong to several other forums of various types as I several interests and I am familiar with way most forums work . One of the first mistakes I was the topic heading (PKA).The old PKA was Professional Kickboxing Association .I didn,t know they did away with it in the early to mid 80,s .Nowadays PKA is called Professinal Karate Association. Thats part of why I never got a answer to my questions .Obviously if questions about old PKA I am a little older (53) .I still kickboxing but it dooes look the same way it used to look .I am not trying to cut down any of the newer kickboxers . It, hard for me to forget Bad Brad Hefflin doing those spinning back kicks he was famous for .Brad was a light heavy weight and was taller than most if his oppenents so he could jump alot higher .I could,nt remember some of the other kickboxers of the time era.Which was why asking one knew where I could find a link to any archives that might list those champions and top contenders of that time period .I beleive that information does not exist. May be you could have told me that you didn,t know of any websites like that either . Plus everyone has to be new at sometime or another and was asking you or any one else to reseach it out for me . Correct me if I am wrong but this section of this forum is for asking about how to or teckniques.I,m to old to fight now.and I am disabled now and can,t . I wanted to become that world champion and was training to be that world top athlete ,but I had bad accident .I was buried in a mining accident and broke both my arms .both my legs ,heavy spinal column damage ,plus heavy brain damage . It seemed like it took me forever to recover .I started training again,I would not give up .I prayed to god to help me and give my strength back . I did compete some again .I guess I was training to hard combined with the long hours that I worked industrial construction got to me .I had a heart attack recovered from that I would not give up .I had another heart attack , I quit training and tried to just work , but finally got to where I couldn,t do that . All I do now is draw a social security check and dream about what might have could have happened to me and wonder if I could not have been that world champion . At least I can watch a fight on tv from time to time and read about it.I guess I just let it all get the best of me and stayed depessed and lost interest .But I have tried to snap out of all of that and move on with my life and pray to god that at least I am still alive.I just keep on trying to improve my other talents and take life oneday at a time . Now that you know me better ease up little me. harley88
  3. I guess asked this question on the wrong forum .I can,t beleive no one has heard of the PKA .These fights where televised regularly on national tv . Does anyone recognize these names ,Superfoot Bill Wallace ,Bad Brad Hefflin .These guys were PKA champs back in the late 70,s and 80,s.I was not aware that it did not exist anymore .I guess that explains why I don,t see it on tv anymore too. I thought thre just was ademand for it anymore asto why I didn,t see it televised anymore .I need to delete my membership since no one here knows about the PKA and that was the only reason I joined the forum . I will keep searching and find what I am looking for and ask my questions on a more knowledgable forum . harley88
  4. I don,t know if this the right place to post or ask this or not . I would like to know if someone can help me find some links or info about the PKA (Professional Kickboxing Association ). I did not know it does not exist anymore . I really miss watching it , does it really not exist any more. I am trying to find some info about my favorite past champions . I have friend that fought in the PKA sometime back and want to help him prove that he actually used to be a PKA fighter . His birthday is coming up soon , I thought it would be a nice present for him , plus I would like to read about some of my old heros too. I have searched and searched and can,t seem to find any info about the PKA .Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks , harley88
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