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afitzwater's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. We charge $20 for all testing with the exception of black belt which is $90. This contributes to the belt, belt embriodery, boards and bricks required for breaking and your certificate and frame.
  2. As far as I know, the system that I have studied for the last 9 years is not affiliated with any organizations. The system isn't exactly mainstream so I doubt anyone here has heard of it. It is ToraSamaDo and was founded by 10th degree black belt Shihan Bill Klase and only two schools for it exist. One in Florida which he owns and the second in Arizona which I own. Now, my question is, what does it mean if you are not affiliated with an organizations? I see that many schools have separate fees just to be part of different ones and whatnot but don't know the real purpose for them. Thanks for all your help
  3. Thank you for your replies. To make things the easiest, I will continue with not testing students until I feel they are ready. I am also going to consult with them beforehand to see how they feel they are doing. Of course, this will only work for a small portion of the class as many of the younger students feel they are ready to test the week after they have learned something. The older students are actually quite honest in how they feel they stack up.
  4. For our black belt tests we have: - Our founder (shihan) who is a 10th degree. - 3 black belts (1st dan or higher) from our system - 1 black belt (1st dan or higher) from an unrelated system
  5. I inherited my sensei's martial arts business after he had some turns for the worst in his life. The problem I am having is the program is run through our city parks and recreation department. We are able to charge for lessons and the city provides us a free place (high school gym) to train. The thing is being part of the city and parks and recreation, we have a huge political debacle over how things should be run. If I fail a student, not only do they generally quit the program but they can launch a complaint against my school at the city, which in turn, can stop providing us with a place to conduct classes. Politically, the city sees failing someone as a negative impact on the students life. I'm my sensei's first student since he broke off and started his own school (almost 9 years now) and he has never failed anyone in the program, though I know for a fact he wish he has failed many students. Sometimes I know a student could not pass a belt test (based on class performance) so I try holding them back for a few more months, but I have some students who have been held back up to a year AFTER their general due date for testing. If this class were just a business, it would be very black and white. Sure I'd risk loosing the student and the income from them but thats nothing compared to loosing your actual place to train. Gar! *pulls hair out* BTW, I don't expect a reply to this as advice would probably be hard on this matter. I just needed to vent.
  6. Shodan is 4 years minimum and must be either 18 or have the maturity level of an adult. Nidan is 2-3 years depending on how well you develop. I can't say for the rest though I think Sandan is 3-4 years since I've been in the rank for 3 years.
  7. Heh, sorry for being a litte broad on it. I am actually looking for both defensive and offensive techniques. Anything will do. I just want to learn what I can [EDIT] Also, not looking for direct attacking with them really but as follow-up and finishing techniques.
  8. Can someone recommend some decent books on handcuffing or even some websites that have a few techniques to show? Thanks.
  9. Our style makes you learn the following at white to advance to orange: Back leg front kick, round kick and lead side kick. We actually show them other kicks but don't make them requirement to advance through white. Many think that it puts too much on the plate but I think it helps prepare the student of whats to come.
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