I inherited my sensei's martial arts business after he had some turns for the worst in his life. The problem I am having is the program is run through our city parks and recreation department. We are able to charge for lessons and the city provides us a free place (high school gym) to train. The thing is being part of the city and parks and recreation, we have a huge political debacle over how things should be run. If I fail a student, not only do they generally quit the program but they can launch a complaint against my school at the city, which in turn, can stop providing us with a place to conduct classes. Politically, the city sees failing someone as a negative impact on the students life. I'm my sensei's first student since he broke off and started his own school (almost 9 years now) and he has never failed anyone in the program, though I know for a fact he wish he has failed many students. Sometimes I know a student could not pass a belt test (based on class performance) so I try holding them back for a few more months, but I have some students who have been held back up to a year AFTER their general due date for testing. If this class were just a business, it would be very black and white. Sure I'd risk loosing the student and the income from them but thats nothing compared to loosing your actual place to train. Gar! *pulls hair out* BTW, I don't expect a reply to this as advice would probably be hard on this matter. I just needed to vent.