Definitely stay at it my friend. Let me tell you a bit about my experience with Karate. When I first joined I trained really hard in and out of the dojo. Because of this my first few gradings were passed fairly easily. But then I entered my first club tournament, and boy did I get an * walloping. I was not just physically injured, but I experienced a reality trip in terms of my limited knowledge and courage. Sufficit to say I was almost going to hang up my Gi when I decided that I was not going to give up like a lot of students do early in the piece, I was going to keep training and pushing through the barriers. Now I have just passed my Purple belt grading and I have a new determination to try even harder and just keep aiming for my goals. Any way, the moral of the story is that a lot of students reach an impass at some stage early in their training. It is once you push through this doubt and self-judgment that you reach a more determined state and develop the courage, skills and drive to keep going.