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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Taikudo Karate
  • Location
    Sydney, Australia
  • Interests
    Computers, Swimming, MA
  • Occupation
    Health Worker

trekmann's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Do any of the students at that school work? Do they have financial responsibilities like mortgagees, rent and bills? I f people want to do full contact Karate with no protective equipment at all then that is fine with me. But wing when you sustain a serious injury and then fall behind in your mortgage payments because you are unfit for work. Just my opinion.
  2. Definitely stay at it my friend. Let me tell you a bit about my experience with Karate. When I first joined I trained really hard in and out of the dojo. Because of this my first few gradings were passed fairly easily. But then I entered my first club tournament, and boy did I get an * walloping. I was not just physically injured, but I experienced a reality trip in terms of my limited knowledge and courage. Sufficit to say I was almost going to hang up my Gi when I decided that I was not going to give up like a lot of students do early in the piece, I was going to keep training and pushing through the barriers. Now I have just passed my Purple belt grading and I have a new determination to try even harder and just keep aiming for my goals. Any way, the moral of the story is that a lot of students reach an impass at some stage early in their training. It is once you push through this doubt and self-judgment that you reach a more determined state and develop the courage, skills and drive to keep going.
  3. Welcome to KF. Maybe you could write an article for the post on your perpsective on the differences between TKD and Karate.
  4. Welcome to KF dude. This site rocks
  5. $40 - $45 dollars for Kyu gradings (Not including belt if changing) Unsure black belt gradings, Will have to get back to you on that one.
  6. I will use the KISS principle. I think Karate has (HELPED) to build and strengthen my character to a degree.
  7. Congrats dude You must be very proud of your achievement. just out of interest what kata did you perform in tournament?
  8. I did not go to class before my last grading. I wanted to have full energy for the test, as some of the techniques we have to go through are quite arduous and tiresome.
  9. Congrats dude What did you have to do to pass the grading?
  10. Something else I thought of. Since I started Karate training eight months ago I have seen a number of people come and watch one lesson, then wolla they buy a Gi and think they will become Karate experts in one month. People should spend more time evaluating a style of MA by doing a few lessons first before jumping in and buying all the gear. I checked out three Dojo’s and trained for four lessons before I bought a Gi.
  11. Congrats dude What did you have to do for your grading? What is your next belt/kyu?
  12. In Taikudo after we learn Heian Shodan and Neidan we move onto a kata called Torino Kata.
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