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Lars's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. If you people want to learn small circle techniques you should purchase "Wally Jay's small circle techniques" The videos are very old. I think they are from 1988, but anyway it's very good learning.
  2. I practice it sometimes. Our sensei went to a course in it some years ago. The ups: You don't use any strength when using small circle techniques. Your opponent has absolutely no strength if done correct. The downs: It only works if your opponent is using strength to let's say, grab your wrist. The circle must be perfect. Small circles are very fun to practice, but quite difficult.
  3. The senseis that train me trained for over ten years to get their black belt, but not many people have enough time to train. If your good you can probably get it in 5 years.
  4. Judo is very effective on the ground. BJJ is also a good choice if you want to learn more than throwing techniques and grappling.
  5. I wouldn't even go for pressure points if a huge raging drunk psycho was trying to squish my head, I would probably grab the nearest beer bottle or hit him in the crotch...
  6. Wow! It doesn't feel like it's been up for so long... Time flies!
  7. Congratulations Patrick! 17? Any good presents?
  8. KSN Doug, what does that art resemble? g, If someone grabs your wrist, would you go for the neck? The arms are a good target if you are fast and effective, the pain will just take over, and the opponent won't be thinking about punching you, he'd probably be begging you to stop... (Depending on the amount of pain you put on him, otherwise it will work quite the opposite, be careful!) It's a matter of distraction of your opponent, otherwise pressure points won't do sqwat, if he manages to grab a hold of your arms when going for the neck, but of course that doesn't matter, that's what we are trained for! He he _________________ Lars Østergaard [ This Message was edited by: Lars on 2001-11-21 13:52 ]
  9. KSN Doug, which arts do you pratice?
  10. Hello, Well in Denmark you are allowed to use deadly force in such a situation, but then you have to prove yourself in court, so witnesses are very important. In such a situation I'd make sure the knife is away from my throat before I start to do anything, and work my way out of the headlock by all means, neutralize him.(preferably without deadly force, depending on the situation of course!) I know that you have to react as fast as possible, but being calm is way better than going into panic...
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