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Everything posted by alterego

  1. Hi I am about to start to practice tae kwon do. I'd like some informations on the main differences between ITF or WTF. All i knew is that WTF uses kicks only (or mainly), but i went to check a WTF class and they were using pleny of punches as well.......so i am confused. any insights will be much appreciated. Thanks
  2. thanks everyone for your suggestions. i think, even though i depend on my hands in order to earn a living, to give it a try with TKD. ......i'm not gonna get injured the first bloddy day am I? i guess that once I'll be in, i'll be able to judge the risks myself... Thanks again
  3. thanks 4 you advice. i'm thinking more and more or TKD. are there any TKD experts who could give me some insights regarding the risk of hands injuries in that particular martial art? hi wolverine guy we might have a net jam sometimes !!
  4. may be kinda unusual, but i'm a professional pianist, feel very attracted to martial art and am looking forward to start to train. i am though extremely concerned for my hands. can anyone suggest a kind of "hands safer" martial art? I know this question might sound silly as, i guess, in every sport there are some injuries risks. neverthless i was thinking of tae kwon do as it involves pretty much kicks more thhan hand tecniques and it looks safer to me. i also love their flashy kicks.....i'd like some suggestions from the experts.......THANKS !
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