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  1. I think you all misunderstood what I meant. When one bows to a photograph I'm sure you are not actually "worshiping" it, but it is a little extreme from my pont of veiw. I think you should FEEL respect for the person instead of trying to show it when they arn't there. But hey, I shouldn't sweat the little things, right?
  2. You are right to a degree. i don't think God has any problem with defending yourself. But I do have to disagree with one thing: you said God was not a God of peace, and yes, it really does seem that way in the OLD Testament, but when Jesus came that all changed. I can't recall God wiping out any nations in the New Testament. but anyway, that is beside the point, what I am uncomfortable with IS the eastern religon involved. You see, my best friend and her sisters are very into karate, and they do the whole chi and meditation thing. They tell me it is just natural energy, but it scares me how ready they are to plunge into it. I would like to hear what your opinion is on chi.
  3. I am very sorry if I offended you, and I don't want to offend you again but you are wrong. There is only one way to God and that is through Jesus Christ, who said, "No man cometh to the Father but by me." And you cannot say he was an arogent man because he exalted the humble. Plus, I don't understand how a people believing there is one way to God causes "so much pain and suffering." True, there are false religons out there, and even some Christians can be hurtful because of their arrogence, but the whole REAL point of Christianity is to bring God's love to the world.
  4. Just one more thing. My best friend bows to photos of famouse karate masters in her style karate, (chito ryu) and I was just wondering if you did the same thing. A lot of people try to excuse this by saying it's just like shaking hands, but how can you? It is just a photograph of a person who isn't there and can't appreciate your respect. I think bowing to a higher rank is fine but to a photo...that just doesn't seem right.
  5. Well, if you're going to use scripture to prove a point, at least use the whole context. "Judge not, that you be not judged" is followed by "For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." This is followed by the section on a speck in your brother's eye and the log in your own. What the Lord was saying was not that we can't judge (other NT scripture commands us to judge), but rather to judge fairly.
  6. aefibird, You are totally right, not all MA classes promote the New Age movement, but some people arn't happy with a plain old self defense and end up going on to "bigger and better" things, but that wasn't my only point. What about the violence? I don't believe that you shouldn't try to defend yourself like some Christians do, (personally, i think they are over the wall, lol. ) I just think alot of the 'moves" in karate are more of an offense than a defense. Another friend of mine does AFK, and I watched her class and I noticed a lot of going BACK UP to the opponet. Shouldn't you just try to run? Well, thats my opinion. KWN
  7. You all made good points but there is one problem: non Christians. Though WE may be able to seperate ourselves from any "eastern religon" non Christians probably won't. Their first thought will be, "Oh, if the Christian is doing it, it's gotta be OK." It's not. Also, meditating on anything but God worries me. I don't know enough about it to comment though.
  8. I agree, Christians should not preach about love then go and hate someone because they are doing something wrong. BUT I do believe Christians shouldn't do MA. True, it is a good self defense, but my best friend does karate, and already she is becoming obsessed with it and is "forgetting" about God. Also, though it does have good objectives (character building, patience, disapline) my goal is to convince Christians that doing martial arts can be a stumbling block, not only for them but for others as well. What people need to realize is MA teaches more than self defence. It teaches students that the New Age movement is okay and even includes it in classes. Also it tends to cause students to react violently in a number of situations. (my best friend and her younger sister both have) I have absolutely nothing against people who do MA and they can keep on doing it, it's their choice. I just want to show my point of veiw.
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