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ITSUKO's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. I do karate for 3+ years now. Recently, i'm cross training with TKD. Eventhough i only learn three basic kicks in karate (front, roundhouse, and side), I have good form but no power. In TKD, they practice kicking with pads. I have a tendency to stop at the pad and don't go through. I am improving especially when I had to break boards for testing. Have you ever test to see how powerful your kicks are? Breaking one board, two boards, three boards, etc. or breaking bricks? Do you recommend training with kicking pads and break boards or train with bare essential? Thanks
  2. I was once sparred with a very aggressive BB lady. She normally uses 80% punches and 20% kicks. As always, she would initiate first with jodan and chudan punches. After sparring with her for awhile, I moved my left front leg back to get ready for a roundhouse chudan level. She took my bait. She thought that I was retrieving and she took that opportunity to move in with her double punches. Boy, I got her good.
  3. I have a very good instructor- knowledgeable and concerning up to a point of controlling. He does not like smart people. He thinks it is not good for their karate practice- like learning ahead of themselves. He discourages people from learning too many katas or sharing katas. He consistently emphasizes on the basic movements and the usage of the hips to generate power. I do have a love hate relationship with my instructor. He keeps me in line and straighten me out several times. I got my humiliation lesson alright. But I am most disappointed rightnow is that he diminished my eager in learning. I need to pull myself together and get over this hump. He also has favoritism. And I am not the receiving end of it. I know my place. So I chill and cruise along.
  4. Rightnow, i have two ideas against this technique. What do you think? this person assumes I will come in with a facial and midsection punches. So, she is ready to do her sidekick. Should I do a sliding roundhouse to the midsection? By sliding in, I will be closer to her but her sidekick is coming. Is it too dangerouse? or should I side step away from her front leg and do a roundhouse? If you have other suggestions, please post. Thanks in advance.
  5. I took TKD for a short period because I would like to learn all their fancy spinning kicks. I could not do them because I got so dizzy and lost my orientation. However, I walked away with one technique: execute a roundhouse, land that foot forward, turn your back to your opponent, then use the other leg for a backkick or a spinning sidekick. So far, I was able to use this technique several times and it seems to work every time. Instead of doing a full 360 degree turn, this technique will let you break it down into several steps.
  6. My sensei has 17 years experience in karate too but he just tested for his third dan. He is young, very humble, and extremely good. He is a Pan-am and international referee in both kumite and kata. He keeps on reminding us to be humble, humble, and humble and don't show off. It seems this guy needs a lesson or so in this department.
  7. I went through belt faster than others at my dojo. Like you, I work hard and feel I deserve it. However, now I feel vunerable for being high up there. I work even harder to defend my belt in kata and kumite wise. Either way, you will enjoy the fruit of your labor by gaining more in experience and progressing through belts. Good luck.
  8. check out https://www.usankf.com or .org
  9. Tommarker, I didnot go to that extreme but I used to record the date of katas that i learned. I don't practice much outside of dojo but I do the mind practicing of katas or sit in one place at work and practice the hand movements of a kata. I notice if I overtrain, my body somehow too stiff or sluggish. Now, I go 5x/wk, work really hard, and enjoy every moment of it.
  10. My kids are at normal weight and height. They are very talented in karate and both started around 5. I realize that practicing karate is a long term commitment. I am just not sure if practicing 7-9 years before reaching their puberty will affect their natural growing rate.
  11. At my dojo, I notice a large number of kids (9-14yrs old) shorter than the average height. The majority of these kids started karate as early as 5. I am not sure if there is any correlation but little concern for my kids. LIke gymnasts, most of them are short.
  12. Amazing White Warlock. I gain a better understanding of myself through your explanation. My natural ability to learn katas by watching is resulted by sight orienting. I tried to find answer to this gifted ability. I thought my strong background in mathematics and science helped. Most of these concepts can only be visually but have a common demoninator of symmetry. Most katas are symmetry in way of having (+, X, T, I) patterns and 1,2 or 1,2,3 in certain directions. Imitating of what we see (sight-oriented) is the main agreement here. Thanks guys.
  13. Amazing White Warlock. I gain a better understanding of myself through your explanation. My natural ability to learn katas by watching is resulted by sight orienting. I tried to find answer to this gifted ability. I thought my strong background in mathematics and science helped. Most of these concepts can only be visually but have a common demoninator of symmetry. Most katas are symmetry in way of having (+, X, T, I) patterns and 1,2 or 1,2,3 in certain directions. Imitating of what we see (sight-oriented) is the main agreement here. Thanks guys.
  14. Are you naturally talented or know someone at the dojo/dojang learn martial art faster than their peers? Are they really good in every aspect? Martial art is not something that can be learned over nite. Practice, endurance, and refining the techniques are the key to a good MA practioner. However, natural skill, flexible, quick learner and long memory are a plus. Please share.
  15. What kind of techniques do you use to win your sparring partner? 1. Your own skill: spar like a gentleman/lady 2. Intimidate them first with your aggression then apply your techniques 3. Spar to defend yourself Just curious if you don't mind sharing. I just want to know your mental state and strategy when you are in the sparring situations whether at practice, promotion, or tournaments. Thanks for sharing.
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