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Everything posted by finn

  1. well. i do kata takyido shodan, takayido nidan, safia, bassai dai and a few that i cant do yet so i dont know the names. i learn in county durham england
  2. no contact at all. unless you are told spesificaly by the sensie contact at.....% meaning if your told no contact you do no contact. only a few r chosen to use contact when sensi feels you are ready then you sparr against him. if you win you sparr with blue and above, you loose you go back to no contact for 4 weeks then he tests you again. i was lucky to pass the first time and im only yello tip. i was a boxer first so i was sparring at white belt. (illigaly)
  3. is no one talking to me?
  4. you get women to sparr in the same way you do males. you say right mits and pads on find a partner similar hight similar belt bow right leg back and hajimai
  5. i think its a gkr thing. you do some mad moves but its fun to do. mind you it may be simmilar to a kata in shodakan
  6. eh? i disagree badly. in the style i do with in the first 3 lessons i could do all the kicks punches and blocks, not perfectly but i could identify them all and do them ok. i like the way i was taught. it makes you feel as if you aint sticking out as the new kid, every one is tought at the same speed and time. i am an orange tip but am training at the quiality of a brown belt. (in gkr there is minimum time limits for every belt so i am doing extremely well)
  7. id have to say the worst thing ive eaten isnt that gross just not nice 3 day old hot and spicy pizza
  8. bassi dai is 4th kata in gkr. wot style do you do?
  9. i dont reconise any of them names of kata. i do the style go kan ryu karate origionated in australia a mix between 2 or 3 styles kancho sullivan founded it about 70 year ago. i have dfferent katta i like sifa and bassi dai the first and second katta is to simple (takyido shodan 1st and takyido nidan 2nd) sifa is 3rd and bassi dai is 4th.
  10. hi. i kinda got lost, i was looking for the official gkr forum site and i found this one instead. so here goes. im finn im 16 and i do gkr arate. i studdy at gateshead college and train in black hill dojo. i am an orange tip and have enjoyed finding the training chalanging. befor karate i was a 2 year semi professional feather wait boxer i cant spell all to well so soz for the mistakes but no ones perfect, right?
  11. any one here do gkr? i do. its non contact but is still the best style ive tried out
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