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Everything posted by WolvesOfThunder

  1. I have two cats named Booger and Batman. But my sensei's dog, a german shepard, is named Katana. And his previous dog was named Sai. Both of which are Martial Arts wepons.
  2. It really depends on the teachings of the style. The one I take, Yoshukai, deals with a great deal of Self-Defense put in practical street application. It also depends on the situation. If a karate student/black belt is trying to straight out fight with a boxer, it would depend a lot on the two individuals. But to answer your question, yes, you can apply karate to real life Self Defense. Congradulations on starting karate by the way! -WolvesOfThunder
  3. Hey there. My name is Tina. I take Yoshukai karate, which is from Okinawa. My sensei is Shihan Jim Reneau. I'm fifteen now and am a first degree black belt. I've been training since I was five and got my black belt at twelve. I train in Georgia, in Reneaus Yoshukai Karate. And I welcome anyone who might be in the neighborhood, to look us up and stop in for a class. We'd be glad to have you. I'll see ya round.
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