lately i've been talking to this girl who lives close by my house. and she had a boyfriend which i knew, so i was messing around with something that i shouldn't have been doing. we never had sex or nothin so it wasn't terribly bad. but she told her boyfriend and her boyfriend confronted me with 2 of his friends so i was out-man'd by 2 people. so i knew obviously i couldn't take them, and i wasn't gunna run i was going to stand there and take their wrath if i had to. but first i talked to them, because they didn't automatically start swinging ...they were talking to me first..cussing and calling me names ..but still talking...i started talking to the boyfriend first..i apologized for messing with his girl...which i truly was...but still of course they kept talking * and i was trying to tell the friends that this wasnt their battle ...but anyways to make a long story short..i ended the battle by just talking..which was the first time thats ever happened to me..usually i have to end battles with violence. and to top it off...they've all became my friends...that's i was confronted with 3 angry guys who wanted to kill me but i ended it with talking and now they've become my friends..i just thought this was an amazing story and i wanted to share it and i was curious if this type of situation ever happened to anybody? because this situation has changed my beliefs about life and how to settle things without violence.