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Uechi Kid

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Uechi Ryu
  • Location

Uechi Kid's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. If you don't know the name of the techniques in your style and have the opportunity to train with Okinawan masters, you'll wish you did. I also think it helps preserve some of the history and tradition of a style. In the Dojo that I learned in we were required to learn the lineage our sensei back as far as it's Chinese roots. Does that make me a better practitioner? No, but I'm glad I have that knowledge.
  2. For me it happened when we started looking deeper into the katas. Past the block, punch, kick and seeing what the real application for the techniques were. That's been what has kept the fire burning in me.
  3. Normally no. I've always tried to stay away from the youth classes.
  4. Here is a link to a dojo in Texas. If it's no close to you, youmight call them. I'm sure nthey ca tell you where there is a school closer to you. Uechi Ryu is a small community. All of the senior instructors know or know of each other. http://uechiryutexas.com/about.htm
  5. Ours are given right after the Black Belt test. "Here you go, great job". After the test we useualy go out for pizza.
  6. I wear my styles logo all the time. I've never had any issues with someone picking a fight.
  7. Uechi Kid


    I was wondering who your sensei is and who his sensei is. How far down the line are you from George Dillman. I have trained with him and I can tell you he is right on with he applications. Remember that just because a stance doesn’t look cool it probably has a very sound function. I train in Uechi Ryu. We are about the least flashy style but a very tough and very deadly one. My Sensei, myself and another sensei have worked very hard to uncover the true applications of our style. Thanks to George opening our minds we have found many amazing things. Keep your mind open.
  8. Uechi Kid


    My first question is, who is your sensei and who is his. I have allot of respect for Ryukyu Kempo and the techniques and applications for those techniques. The master of you style has an eye for applications. Believe me, they are real.
  9. I agree, get the heavy weight gi. Last longer and they will keep looking good longer also
  10. As good as we think we are, we can all use "MORE PRACTICE"
  11. Well I've been away from the forum for a while. The surgery went well. Rehab on the other hand is a slow and very painful process. Getting the range of motion back is the tough part. Getting there though. The group that I train with are heavy into the tuite and kyusho and Uechi Ryu isn’t a big kicking style so that helps. I will be modifying my training though, I don’t want to do anything to screw up this new knee. I wouldn’t want to go through this again any time soon. Thanks for all of your support. Rich
  12. Traditional-Fist. Right on about Uechi Ryu. Thanks for all of your support. Getting stronger every day.
  13. I was just reading all of the responses in this thread. Nice to see that so many have such fond memories of a character and actor. Also it’s interesting how many people started there training because of him. RIP Mr. Miyagi.
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