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LeopardGold's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I agree with TJS. If you don't like the school its time to find a new. By the sound of it you train at different schools anyway. Maybe you should find a different style. Or maybe you could cross-train with a different, more self-defense based style. What types of martial art schools are around your town?
  2. I know this thread is old, but I just had to add one of my experiences. There was a new girl at my dojo and it was her first day of sparring. I was supposed to explain to her about sparring and be her sparring partner. So I was giving all these tips and saying don't worry sparring is fun. Well we were in our stances and getting ready to spar when I rolled my ankle and I accidentally fell down before I even started to spar. Luckily no body else saw me but her. Also one time a yellow belt in my class went up to a "new" person and was giving him tips in karate. He (the yellow belt) also corrected the "new" person's stances. At the end of class, sensei introduced us to his old instructor...surprise it was the "new" student. You should of seen the look on the yellow belts face.
  3. I think the traditional looks more like a sport than the 'sport' one. Anyway I don't mind seeing it....I was just making the comment that it really isn't ma.
  4. Its a cool looking 'gymnastic' performance but with the ma.
  5. I have to admit I barely could tell that the girl was doing the kata. She was terrible, but that isn't her fault its her instructors' faults. I bet her dojo told her thats what she has to perform. I feel sorry for her... I bet thats kinda embarrassing to see. Although maybe that was a open 'musical' kata. still scary.
  6. No offense Gino, but you do realize you are using a computer and wasting the same time by going online as some do when they play video/computer games. Sorry taichi I'm not sure if that is a real style or not. But I did find this website ...http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9388/style.html... and that says that it is a fictional ma. I would just keeping searching the web if you still think it might be a real ma.
  7. Now that I thought about the show it isn't that bad if you are just looking for entertainment, but I thought it was going to be more about MA and the science of it (bone structure, muscle development). I wished they (discovery) would have advertised it being more of a performance art than a martial art.
  8. I think the best way to decide is to try both of the schools. Watch a class or ask if you can try one class. I personally liked Shotokan karate better than my experience with TKD but I think most of that related to who ran the school not the different ma. I would try a class and see which instructor you like better or feel more comfortable with and go with that school.
  9. My classes are from 1-3 hours depending on which class I go to.
  10. I already have one of those helmets. My dojo requires anyone under 18 to wear one while sparring. They are okay but sometimes are hard to breath in.
  11. I guess I shouldn't have put my expectations so high in a show called Xtreme Martial Arts. The sparring was awfully sloppy...no control what-so-ever.
  12. I also found out that Mike Chat the one guy in xtreme ma used to be a power ranger.
  13. OMG! I just checked out that sight...http://www.xmarevolution.com ... they actually have silver uniforms. Reklats is right this is one big cheerleading/dance "martial art" show.
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