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  • Martial Art(s)
    shotokan, akido, ju-jitsu

Gstrowes's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. well, you're more likley to break your own head with a three sectional staff.
  2. i just took delivery of a paul chen practical plus. it's very nice. well put together and very sharp. you could do a lot worse than picking up one of these
  3. I'm an airframe engineer in the UK armed forces
  4. heathens, everyone knows that the haggis is a wild animal with the left legs shorter than the right legs. it runs around the mountains anti-clockwise. the brave haggis hunters chase the haggis clockwise around the mountain where it falls over and rolls down the mountain. it 's then caught in a net. ok so it's really a suffed sheeps stomach but the story is more fun.
  5. thank you Shorinryu Sensei, that is exactly the sort of thing i was looking for.
  6. my sai are quite well balanced, and i've had them for 10 years (i was studying ju-jitsu at the time and learned the basics of how to manipulate them). as for the bo, there are three black belts in my club all studying with it for the comp. i wanted something different hence the options list. however thanks for your input. now i know there are people on the site who have judged weapons competitions before. any tips on common mistakes/things to avoid doing? anything you can tell me would be a great help. thanks.
  7. i'm going to enter a comp in the weapon form section. it's my first comp and i was wondering if anyone has any advice? obviously i want to make a good showing of myself. i have a little skill with nunchukau, sai, and tonfa. i also have a set of kama ( i collect okinawan weapons as a hobby so i have quite a little armoury of my own so i don't need to borrow them to practice) anyway, it's in april so i have plenty of time to practice. what does everyone suggest? P.S. currently i'm leaning toward sai.
  8. well as i live in the uk i am less likely to be attacked by someone with a gun. a burgaler is more likely to be armed with a knife. so i would use my sai. very flashy and intimidating when used correctly and very effective as weapons
  9. according to Sensei Demura in his book "nunchkau, karate weapon of self defence" one possible origin of the weapon is that it was part of a horses bridle (the bit i think, i don't have the book to hand)
  10. winter, because i like to snowboard and it gets a little difficult without snow. btw for the US readers "fall" is what you do when you trip
  11. fresh raw calfs placenta. that is the most disgusting thing i've eaten. but i've eaten other weird things in my travels dog is good, horse meat is nice (one girlfriend refused to speak to me for a month over that meal!) and as a scot i love haggis (32days to burns night and counting )
  12. good article and a very thought provoking thread. i am not in any way a believer in organised religion (i think that too many people abuse their religion for their own ends) so i could be described as a non christian, and as such i feel quite insulted by KWNs last remarks. there are many ways to God, God knows your intent and how you choose to worship is between yourself and the Lord. it is only arrogance that proclaims that there is only one way to worship. that narrow minded world view is the same that has caused so much pain and suffering in the world. as for violence remember "there is no first attack in shotokan karate"
  13. i got hecate! should i worry that i'm the god of death?
  14. i enjoyed it, kate beckinsdale running around in a pvc catsuit with fighting and big bangs what more does a growing boy need?
  15. and now for something completely different...... my favorite is the sword fight between "the dread pirate roberts" and "the spaniard" in the princess bride. pure class, with witty repartis.
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