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Quite Fellow

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Quite Fellow's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. My instructor made a deal with me, I would teach 3 classes a week and in return I would get a free membership. I'm not even a Black Belt in this system but I do have over a decade of experience in the martial arts. Lately though I attend class and just end up teaching some one a kata or somthing, I'm starting to hate taking and teaching class.
  2. It didn't get that, could you repeat it? Thank you
  3. If I wanted the 24fightingchickens responce I would have posted it there Jussi. Just kidding. Nice to see a another user I've seen before on other forums.
  4. Hello, Ever since I can remember I have been doing martial arts in one way or another. I have allways done it and have questioned why I have done it. About two months ago I started teaching and to be honest I'm losing my interest in the martial arts. It has become work, instead of me wanting to go to class every night I have to go to class because I teach it. I cant afford to pay the tuition that the school requires. I have been put in the position of quit or do somthing that I dont like to do. Should I just pick up and leave? or should I just bare it? Ps- Please dont give me the suck it up and Usu treatment. Thank You
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