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Everything posted by Ronin-Master

  1. Shukokai Pinan (Shodan, Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan) Shio-Zuki (Ichi ,ni,san,shi,go) Matsukaze Jiin Jion Annanku Bassai Dai (Itosu, Izato) Rohai (Rohai , Rohai Shodan) Shio-Kosokun Kosokun Dai Saifa Seienchin Sanchin Seisan Shisochin Nipaipo Niseshi Juroku (Kawata-Ha)
  2. It doesn't matter at all if you can hear the breathing, as long as your doing it right.
  3. It may look cool, but whats the point? Looking good =ego and ego in Karate-Do is not good. Ego leeds to bad personalities. Remember Karate-Do is not just physical techniques it all about trying to become better people and a big ego is not an improvement.
  4. I dont think Sanchin should be taught rite away because if it is practiced incorrectly than it is very dangerous. Some Okinawan stlyes banned it because of this.
  5. I was wondering if anyone here has any info on the Shito-ryu or Shukokai version of Seisan.
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