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stuart's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Look at the tournament pictures, they sure love their badges!!
  2. What do you do in the days, and hours leading up to a grading, such that you are in top condition for the grading? Any unusual sleep paterns? Any special dietary considerations? Any superstitions?
  3. This is simply not the case Sensei James Seaward is but one of many highly trained instructors in B.A.M.A. It is not "his" organization, but he is an instructor of it. The fees the instructors charge for the 1-1 tutition are very good value, and I find many of your comments without foundation or cause.
  4. Do you want a style with "high Jumping kicks"? These aren't really very practical in any application, are you looking to be a movie star?
  5. Hi all. Saw Kill Bill Vol 2 today, excellent! Well enjoyed. However I was wondering if anyone with more martial arts experience than myslef could answer the following. Spoiler Alert!!!! 1. The 3inch punch the Bride uses to escape the coffin? Obviously I now of Bruce Lee's Famous similar technique, but is it really possible to bust through solid wood like pai mai? 2. The 5 fingered pressure point exploding heart technique? is anything like this possible?
  6. We have national gradings 3/4 times a year, it cost £15 for a Kyu grade grading. Their are no re-test fees. I imagine the money goes to, the owners of the hall we use, the Academy, the Sensei's who do the gradings. All of which seems perfectly resonable.
  7. Bushido Karate White Yellow 6th kyu Orange 5th kyu Green 4th kyu Purple 3rd kyu Blue 2nd kyu Brown 1st kyu Black
  8. Their are numerous conspiracy theories. I believe the 'official' line is that he suffered a brain aneurysm. Induced by a pain reliever took for a migraine. It is apparently a very rare allergy to the substance that induced the tragic effect.
  9. I study Bushido Karate, but any Karate videos are of interest. Cheers.
  10. Hello. I'm quite new to M.A's and was interested in seeing some M.A videos. I've tried the usual places Google/Yahoo but keep finding old site where the clips dont seem to work. Does anyone know any good sites with video clips of either techniques or Katas. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
  11. I pay £15 per hour for private tution. 1 on 1 with an instructor, I believe the 100% attention of my instructor is worth every penny. With private tution I'm able to get the technique much easier and quicker then I would in a class were Sensei's attention is on 20-30 other people.
  12. I was interested in how many of you study sword within your martial arts?
  13. Ours are £30 (I think from memory) for Kyu grades, and I believe £50 for Dan grades. Which I think is resonable plus regrades are free.
  14. Thanks for your comments. The grading itself comprised of a seminar, and an individual grading. For the grading I had to do the kata about 5 times and the Geri Waza about 3 times, the grading panel then called out techniques which I had to perform. I was very nervous on the way, but once the day actually started I just got stuck in and gave my best, my nerves soon shrank. I'm glad to say I passed and very much looking forward to learning our Orange belt syllabus.
  15. Hello. I passed my 6th Kyu Yellow belt grading yesaterday. I've been training for about 6 months, the style is Bushido Karate, which is mainly Karate but also includes Aikdo-te, Budo, and Ken Kai Ryu ( Japanese Sword )
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