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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Breath/sound, action/movement, thought~emotion/spirit.
  • Location
    Within the Star.
  • Interests
    The Tao from within all things.
  • Occupation

Psychoassasin's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. "Unless we're living know-how, we're just morter filling holes." - Skinny Puppy "If the doors of the seven were finally cleansed, I could take my place again and my love for the world will be wild and pure, if not for this God damned limiter!" - Machines of Loving Grace "Define normalacy..." - Many people besides myself. "Question everything." - Bumper Sticker "Your lack of understanding doesn't make it unreal." - Me.
  2. That's just gettin' too deep- I mean that's just too deep for me. Basicly, everything that exists is a frequency and every frequency is a sound making existance music. Each living creature has it's own mix of sounds/frequencies which can be percieved by the soul. This astral audio ma sometimes be out of harmony with its surroundingsand this person tries to rectify such situations. I guess it's as deep as smileing at a stranger to brighten their day.
  3. I would have to acknowledge that there are many forms of music that are designed to enhance mediative states as well as sparking the flow of Ki/ Kundalini/ Prana/ Etc. Not all of said music is calm or melodic, some is very raucous and chaotic (seeming), until one delves into the concept of tonology and its effects on subtile bodies of energy. Yet, another mystic art... The Mysticism of Sound You can skip the introductory paragraphs, I'm sur the whole book is there... Hemi and Holo-Sync very brief description... and if you look there is more on that forum, mostly in relation to sound, mind and kundalini. Just google for more.
  4. No, more like the "open minded Eastern tradition/phylosophy" forum. Yeah, I'm lazy. I never said that I wasn't. You know how long it takes for a page to load on dial-up? I tell you what, you answer my questions, I'll answer yours... I do not lack support, nor do I have any herring. I do have salmon though... I have never done well with authority. Though there may be plenty of evidence, emperical and otherwise, it does not constitute proof. Unless you want to deny the definition of proof.
  5. ...Is it true that for motion that there is a breath? That with every breath there is a sound? Is a thought really an electro-chemical action? That with all these frequencies of energy that there is a force? What makes it so hard to understand that one can concentrate/manipulate the direction of said forces? What is yin-yang but a spiral within an infinite spiral?
  6. I didn't know this was the skeptics forum. Apparently it is laziness that prevents you from finding the answers you seek. Since you are skeptical of the things I have stated maybe you should do some research and find for yourself. What is it about the skeptical mind that disallows others to believe? Is it jealousy? Is it fear? To quote a friend of mine, "There is no proof, only perception."
  7. These two bits correlate well. There are ways to use ones Ki/Chi/Prana/Aura/Kundalini/Energy as an attack or defense. Like you say, "that's advanced stuff". Please, refrain from generalizations when it comes to Ki, it is very powerful and capable of anything for it is the "force of the universe". Fireballs and lightning bolts are not utter crap, you have asked those whom are ignorant if that is what they have told you. The Fakir have been known to accomplish some amazing feats with channeling this energy. There are other monks that have been able to create earthquakes with simple chants. However, being able to tap into the universe and use such energy has eluded the majority of the people on this planet, even though it is easy. The thing that gets most of them is the communal disbelief in its existence. Even so, it does exist and can be used.
  8. Yeah, whatever. I did not come here to take such smack talk from those whom are ignorant. I you do not believe, keep it to yourself. Nobody needs your boubt, not even you.
  9. I am wondering if there are any others whom have learned Martail arts moves from past lives. I have been to several schools in which what they taught was so basic and sloppy that I couldn't bare to watch. Nobody seems to teach the incompasitating moves that my body remembers. Is there a reason for this? What I am talking about are the bone breaking, kill moves. Ones that have the capacity to take out three individual attackers in one fluid movement. I have found it interesting that there are so many that are being taught fighting styles that are not fluid and lack balance. I understand that most teach only the basic forms, but it seems an insult to my body. "Stand this way" doesn't matter if your pigion toed, "punch this way" doesn't matter that ones shoulders have an unusual muscle mass, "kick this way" doesn't matter that ones center of balance requires another form..... If you are wondering what this has to do with ninja, such was my past life. The modern day schools seem to avoid certain teachings, I don't know why.
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