Actually, you never have to tell a kid to his face that his demo team is a waste of time if you never make one up in the first place. That whole scenario would be your creation, and thus your fault. You signed up 100 people for trial lessons, but about 20 will actually show up, and of that 20, 5 will become paying students. spent 5 hours per week on the demo team for 6 months. That is 120 hours of work for 5 new students. Ouch. It's about how you spend your time. You have to think: "Is what I'm doing right now helping the school grow?" and second: "Is there something else I could be doing that would make the school grow faster? A demo team will make your school grow, but it is highly inefficient. Mainly, like I said, it is another stupid pet project (like KickSoft) that instructors can do that will make them think they will be successful if they do it. Like fat people going on a special diet, they'll do anything except the one thing that works, which is to eat less. Karate instrcutors are notoriously lazy and undisciplined when it comes to how they manage their time, and they'll figure out 30 other things besides actually working before they sit down and start calling people and setting appointments.