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TicN9neZ8's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. thats cool, my main style is TKD, but our masters have also trained in Hapkido and they incorporate the defensive techniques into our training. We just learned some handshake reversals, those are brutal.
  2. This is kinda funny... http://www.frankdux.com/duxfaq.htm#Who
  3. Hey I was looking at this thread and I saw I said my Senior Master placed 3rd in Nationals, well it was the international tournament where she did that. On her uniform to she has 3 different patches international/national/regional judge. She is a great instructor, she works with you individually and pushes you hard, but makes sure you know its for your own good.
  4. Well I saw all his stats at the end of the Bloodsport movie, but I'm curious how he compares to people like Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris.
  5. Well I was just taught 12 of these and they are pretty nifty, they are from when someone is grabbing your wrist, some of them we're pretty vicious. Anyone else been taught these? A couple of them we're armbars, others we're single or double strikes.
  6. Welcome to KF, you sound like you are very skilled.
  7. I think it is the instructors decision whether or not you could be in that program. They started me off with two weeks of basic training then after that they said I have potential to be one of their best students and gave me the choice of Leadership or Master's Club. Master's Club is pretty much the same as Leadership except you get different belt colors and aren't trained to be an instructor.
  8. My name is Brian, I am 18 and am currently in TKD, they are HTF, for those who don't know what that means they are in the Hwa-Rang Taekwondo Federation. I just started into Martial Arts about a month ago, my graduation is on Oct. 10th and I already have 4 more classes then I need to graduate and know Chon-Ji, so I'm sure after the 10th I will be a higher rank. I am in a leadership program though where you get a grey belt and you keep that one until you are a black belt. I think the reason for it is because the program I am in is one where they bring you up to be an instructor and they probably want to be sure you get respect from your students regardless of rank.
  9. thanx for the good wishes CloudDragon, I plan on staying there for a long time. They are ranked in the top 200 schools in the national. My Senior Master placed 3rd in Nationals, but she got injured in a car accident and it kinda hampered her abilities, she is still incredible though.
  10. now that is an awesome site, too bad the videos are WMV's, they run pretty bad on my comp.
  11. I'd say people who actually train in a dojo are better then people who train by video, it is a completely different experience when you are trained with a group of people.
  12. http://webpages.marshall.edu/~shroyer1/tkd/tkd0.html This site has how to do nearly every form, so if you are having trouble remembering one of your forms it can help big time.
  13. I study it for a couple reasons, I love Martial Arts and its a great conditioning tool, well at least the stuff I'm in is. I also have a blast sparring and learning the techniques with weapons.
  14. Never mind I was wrong it's the Hwa-Rang Taekwondo Federation
  15. I love the school so its not bad, if I didn't plan on staying I wouldn't of signed the contract, from what I've heard, my Senior Master was ranked 3rd in the world before she blew out her knee. BTW I'm from Bellingham, WA, its not Hellenic, it is something along the lines of H____ Tra Form TKD, the site is https://www.black-belt-academies.com it has the HTF logo on the site but it doesn't say the meaning.
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