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Everything posted by anthony

  1. UFC no longer does style versus style. It's called MMA, Mixed Martial Arts. They take what is useful and leave the rest. You can do your little ballet kicks, and your back knuckle punches, and at the end of the day, make pretend you can defend yourself. Or you can learn something that will actually train you to fight like you train. Which MMA does. I'm sure Mister Bad guy on the streets is really interested in your point scoring on his chest as he's curb stomping your little [edit].
  2. If I may interject. TKD is based off of Shotokan Karate. Earliest Kata or whatever Korean term they use were identical to Shotokan. So much for TKD being 2000 years old or so those TKD Dojo's will have you believe.
  3. Hey, how come no one posts about using their Karate and getting their * kicked?
  4. I decided to just skip all the posts after the first one. I guess Karate really was the reason. I mean, you couldn't learn boxing and punch the same way catching someone off guard. In fact I remember when I was 8 or 9 and getting sucker punched. I think that kid took karate too. Or was it kungfu? I can't remember.
  5. Does it really matter how long you get to black belt? Say you get your black belt in 2 years in whatever style of karate. The first time you use it in real life you get your face kicked in. So in reality, it's better to get it in 2 years than say 4. You would be less pissed off with 2 years. Less money spent, and more important, less time wasted.
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