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Everything posted by BLH28

  1. Top 5 Combative Arts: 1.) Jeet Kune Do 2.) Muay Thai 3.) BJJ 4.) Krav Maga 5.) Kickboxing
  2. jeet kune do isnt cool at all! ...it's VERY cool
  3. 311 has real ultimate power. downlo... err.. i mean... purchase one of their cd's. you wont regret it. i like the selftitled blue album and 'From Chaos'
  4. the teacher was a fake. he didnt even know that kuk sool won translated into. it was like taking a tae bo/woman's kickboxing class. but KSW seems interesting from what i've read. too bad.
  5. this may sound incredibly lame, but... what is a haymaker punch and how do you do it? thanks.
  6. Of coarse I was enragred. The kid's been harassing me for 3 years and I have never had enough courage to stand up for myself. I've always been telling the teachers on him, and they dont do ANYTHING but give him a 2 minute lecture. I knew I wasnt gonna take any more of his B/S so I showed him how angry I was. I take Jeet Kune Do from Octavio Quintero, who is certified by Jerry Poteet. He's an awesome teacher and is very intelligent in JKD.
  7. DokterVet, why didnt you beat the crap outa him during the sexual harassment part? if he is as bad as you say he is, you could get people on your side to lie and say like "he pinched and twisted my girl's chest and punched me in the stomach, even ask--" and name some of your friends to back you up. i get so mad by people even saying things, i kick their * and get people to lie for me. it's sad, but true. i dont go looking for trouble tho.
  8. but there is a picture of Bruce Lee and about 4 or 5 other guys at his school, and one of them include Jerry.
  9. I listen to the following when I train or work out: 311 Marilyn Manson Mudvayne Slipknot Metallica Pantera Black Sabbath Guns N' Roses Nirvana And some others, but thats what usualy is coming out of my speekers
  10. Here's a recent story; I'm a Freshman in High School, I know Jeet Kune Do and Krav Maga. Nobody knows I know MA, because I haven't told anybody, or used it at High School yet. Anyway; this kid always seems to want to pick on me for no reason. He's about 5 inches taller, and twice as strong as me. He would walk up to me when I am sitting down and punch me in the arm and walk away. But if I get up and punch him back, I can not claim self defense; and we'de both get in trouble. Well one day I was playing basketball with some friends, and then that kid asked to play. Nobody really wanted him to play, but everybody is scared of them, so we just ignored him. He said "HELLO?! I asked if I could play... there isn't a problem with that, now is there Brandon", he asked me. I was tired of him picking on me for 3 years, so I found some courage and said "Actualy, go find somewhere else to hang out, we dont want your presence here." He laughed and grabbed the ball out of my hands and kicked it over the fence and said "Go get the basketball and give it back to me... NOW!". I had enough, so I said "You have no idea who you're messing with" then he replied "Lets find out!" And then he threw a right hook, but I am extremely fast due to my Jeet Kune Do, I stepped forward and jabbed him in the nose before he could land his punch. He instantly cupped his hands over his face and when he took them off, his face and hands were covered in blood. He started running at me and then I used the shin kick to hit him in the knee cap, and then he was almost down. I lifted his shirt over his head and started kneeing his face and throwing upper-cuts non-stop. Pretty soon his body fell limp and I had KO'd him and he was on the ground passed out with his face and shirt completley soaked in blood. I got suspended and reccomended for expulsion, but when I got witnesses saying he threw the first punch, I just got the suspension. I have never felt so powerful in my whole life; and I dont regret it at all.
  11. thanks, but i'm doing jeet kune do now heheheh
  12. I train in JKD and a Judu/Jujitsu class. JKD is great for stand-up, and the Judu/Jujitsu class helps in takedowns and grappling. Very good combonation.
  13. https://www.jerrypoteet.com 1st generation Bruce Lee student, Jerry Poteet https://www.oqjkd.com My Sifu, Octavio Quintero, certified by Jerry Poteet
  14. i had to write c o c k y with a zero because it censored it.
  15. Well i'm going to transfer to a new High School where the PE teacher teaches Kuk Sool Won. since it is free, i am kinda sceptical if i should take the class or not, or if it will be effective. i dont think he'll teach students highly effective stuff, because then everybody would be getting c0cky and getting into fights. what do you guys think? i know its free and i should go for it, but do you guys think the actual class will be any help? thanks.
  16. besides me
  17. who says im a man?
  18. but i hear judo&jujitsu doesnt have many ground skills, but i could be wrong. does anybody here take judo or jujitsu, and does it have ground moves like bjj?
  19. oh, and that isnt him in the bo staff video, that is Ghyslian Raza, aka the Star Wars Kid, he found it on kazaa and claimed it was him.
  20. no, it isnt. that isnt really on MSN-NBC, his friend stole the layout to the site and wrote up a fake one. dont believe anything you see on the site. his last name isnt hamburger either, it's Keeton, haha.
  21. Good idea. When I get a car i'll just drive the 70 miles to Sacramento and take the class. It should be worth it. i'm actualy considering moving to San Diego just to enroll in a BJJ school.
  22. as their arm is in the air you can jump back about a foot and then kick him in the ribs, stomach, solar plexus. believe me, i've done it in the past numerous times. anybody else?
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