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  • Martial Art(s)
    American States Karate
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CPU's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. @White Warlock - maby i should have clerified what i said earlier, what i said is what you should have done had you had a chance to do the whole situation over again, not to use it in THIS court case. I never ment for anyone to lie in court, that's possibly the worst thing to do in a case. CPU
  2. 1. find empty pool, preferably at least 3 feet deep 2. tie cinder block onto dog's leash 3. lead dog to pool and toss in cinder block as far out as possible 4. spray soap on dog 5. dog will self agitate and produce ample suds 6. go home and return the next day and dog will be sparkiling clean Sincerly, the cat
  3. I've read somthing on this already for a similar case like this and how to handel it, going up to them and asking what there problem is ok, but this magazene article outlined what you should do. Basicly you let them make the first move and respond with only as much force as there using - example: they push you, you are then allowed to push them back, if they punch you - your allowed to punch them back - if they start beating on you as hard as they can the your allowed to without using any lethal techneques - if they pull out a gun or knife or other weapon that could theorecticly kill you then your allowed to pull out all the stops. The point of this is that in court you can always say THEY were the one that started it and that you weren't the one that escalated the fight and made it more deadly. If you can prove that you were not the one that threw the first blow the you should be fine. Thats just my two cents on the issue.
  4. The only advice i can give you about defending against spin kicks - If there head height > duck if there not head height > become a brick wall and make sure your shins and forearms are well condititioned it more often than not puts your oponent off balance and causes there gaurd to leave openings, have fun!
  5. well if you talk exsacticly how you think then don't think about a move before you do it, just do it.
  6. hmm i wonder... also not realy a combo, but switching styles in the middle of sparring can rreeeaaaallly confuse someone as i found
  7. knock him out with whatevers available, then use lots and lotsa ducktape...
  8. welcom to the karate forums sponced by... *rables on for a few hours* ... and our extream gratitude to have such nobel courage to join. welcom beka to karate forums =)
  9. CPU


    realy true - i like the santa clause one
  10. now that i've finaly got more ballance one of my favorite things to do is stand there with my knee up so that i can throw a veriaty of kicks quickly. A combo i found usfull for slow people who are always backing up: High round kick to spinside kick to round kick to spinsidekick and keep advancing on them...
  11. Cop pulls someone over, P: gives warning for speeding Y: Gee thanks officer, thats only the second warning i'v gottern!
  12. (P: is police officer Y: is you, i'll post the first and you post ones you think of!>) P: "Man your eyes look red, have you been drinking?" Y: "Gee officer your eyes looked glazed, have you been eating dougnuts?"
  13. If your fast enough a quick spin cresent to there gaurd and then a quick punching combo can seem to get some points.
  14. depending which art your in some DO allow kicks to the head, however most tournaments don't allow it.
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